Master of the parting shot

March 1, 2011

One of my writer-friends is a master of dialogue.

A few days ago as I was leaving, she staged a final scene worthy of Scarlett O’Hara. She delivered a parting line, turned, waved goodbye and walked off, a scene that was so perfectly rendered, I could only stutter, “What?? What do you mean?? Wait a minute!” even as I admired the perfection of its impact, how it zeroed in so beautifully.

I love great lines.

Its razor-sharp perfection reminded me of this exchange (on a completely different subject) between characters played by George Clooney and Catherine Zeta-Jones in the movie Intolerable Cruelty:

CZJ: You think you’re tough, but I eat men like you for breakfast.

GC: I assume you’re a carnivore.

CZJ: Oh, Mr. Massey, you have no idea.

Perfectly executed in that film.

What’s your favorite line or dialogue?

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