National Masturbation Month

May 1, 2015


Well, it WOULDN’T be. That is, if there were a  hell, which I don’t believe there is. Or if touching yourself was a sin. Which I don’t believe it is. Isn’t it interesting how it’s always a church like this whose pastor is found with his hand up the church secretary’s skirt? Or worse. Just saying.

Masturbation-monthThis poster is more compatible with my own point of view. And since May is National or International Masturbation Month, it’s only fitting that we should spend a few minutes honoring self-pleasure.

Now, I’m not a sexologist or a sex blogger. Nor am I about to reveal anything personal here today. But I did curate a bit of interesting masturbation-related content you might enjoy in celebration of the month.

If you’re curious about how this celebration came about, this article in Salon tells  you.

How about some things you might not know about masturbation?

And I offer THIS because I have never seen female masturbation techniques demonstrated on an anatomically correct mannequin before. It’s…riveting.

So…I know you’re thinking something about National Masturbation Month …want to tell us in the Comments? Because they’re often more interesting than the post! Which is why I love you all.


21 comments on “National Masturbation Month
  1. Toni McCloe says:

    Really? There is a national masturbation month? Interesting.

  2. I don’t believe in hell either. I also don’t believe that half the things people say would send you there really would even if there was one.
    How did I live this long without knowing that masterbation has its own month? The things I learn from you . . .

  3. I’m not touching that with a 10 ft. dildo! Did you see the other day on Facebook the post about how women are taking part of their dead husband’s ashes and putting them in vibrators? Crazy, bat shit crazy I tell you!

  4. Kimba says:

    Awesome post – sharing with ALL my gal pals.

  5. What a BOLD woman you are, Carol! You move effortlessly from the topic of Privilege to a celebration of Masturbation. Maybe they are connected somehow. Maybe it is a privilege to masturbate and it most certainly is a privilege to talk about it openly. I am considering how far we have all cum…

  6. Is that why we begin this month dancing around a big pole?

  7. Well, you learn something new every day! That church sign is hilarious.

  8. Helene Cohen Bludman says:

    Well, who knew? You’ve certainly taught me something I never knew before.

  9. OMG! I am so gonna love springing this little bit of trivia on people this month! Thank you for sharing this on Day 1.

  10. Ruth Curran says:

    I am the biggest prude I know so I read your title, plugged my ears, and started singing really loudly!

  11. National Masturbation Month was started by Good Vibrations–a great sex shop in San Francisco. I think it’s useful to talk about the health benefits of masturbation for older women, particularly if we aren’t in relationships. Arousal helps prevent or delay vaginal tissues from drying out, gives us a surge of feel good hormones-and it’s about acknowledging we have desires and the ability to pay attention to our sexual needs. As you can tell, and might have expected, I’m all in support of the day!
    Carol, thanks for sharing this.

  12. Carolann says:

    It’s great that this topic is getting out there. I think there are so many who still feel it’s a sin and have much guilt over it. Great post Carol…I’m heading over to read your links now 🙂

  13. Carolann says:

    that video is a hoot! lol

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  1. […] a post earlier this morning on Google+ that gave me another reason to be happy. This month is also […]

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