There’s a lot to sing about when it comes to Maui, as these dogs know. One song-worthy thing is Maui coffee. No joke.
Of course, we know that coffee is a no-no for dogs, as is anything containing caffeine. But that doesn’t mean they can’t sing a sweet song about longing for coffee, right?
I didn’t have to think twice when girlfriend invited me to return to her Maui place last month. We’d gone in August and had the best time doing nothing! The thought of doing nothing again in beautiful Maui was irresistible. I had my ticket in about four minutes.
We really weren’t interested in touristing, just relaxing, hot tubbing and getting massage. But we did step out one day to Maui Tropical Plantation. Her brother had mentioned that they had terrific coffee, and we wanted to see if we agreed.
Most people know the plantation for its tram ride around the property, where tourists can learn how sugar cane and pineapple grow. Or for its zip line. But we weren’t interested in either one of those events. Although maybe we should have: the last sugar cane plantation on Maui will be shut down soon. But that day, we had a different agenda.
We wanted some good coffee.
This was our greeting upon arrival at the little coffee house. It was still morning and a good cup of coffee would make us happy.
We could have bought coffee beans. They were displayed in the coffee house and in the gift shop.
But instead we ordered a cup of the bean of our choice, hand-poured by this sweet barista, whom, we discovered, was from my part of New York state. We chatted her up a bit, in no hurry. After all, we were in Maui. A few others were in line behind us but they, too, waited patiently. Perhaps they knew that the coffee was worth the wait.
While we waited we noticed some antique coffee grinders.
In contrast with the big grinder of today: the scale of the grinder is different and the machinery is more sophisticated. But the concept is the same.
I ordered a dark roast and we stepped out on the patio to enjoy our coffee. My dark roast tasted milder than expected. I’m fairly sure that’s because the hundreds of burnt-tasting Starbucks coffees I’ve had over the years have affected my taste buds so that I don’t notice the beautiful nuances in a fine cup of java.
If I lived in Maui, I’d only drink their finely-crafted coffees and in time, my palate would learn to appreciate and differentiate the flavors.
I’m not so sure Starbucks has done my palate any favors. You?
I’m sure you’re right about the coffee…but I also have to think the Hawaii environment makes it special also!!! How fabulous!! jodie
Hi Carol! I’m sitting here drinking my coffee this morning and while reading your post and dreaming of Maui. It’s pretty sweet here in La Quinta today, but I haven’t been to Hawaii for a couple of years and now you’ve got me thinking…. Enjoy your stay!
They actually have one of those old coffee grounders in working order in at a coffee shop near me. It too is red, in fact, if memory serves correct, an almost exact replica of the one in your photo. The whole place is decked out like it might have been in the 70’s. It a gorgeous little coffee -stop 🙂
I don’t know any places here in the Binghamton, NY area with antique coffee griders, although we have an (excellent) nut shop downtown which roasts its nuts using a 100 plus year old nut roaster. I have never had true maui coffee. I dislike the burnt taste of Starbucks and stopped drinking it years ago. Now you have me wanting to go to Hawai’i, one of the four U.S. states I have never been to.
My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Maui and when we weren’t lovin’ on each other we were lovin’ the coffee. We had room service every morning with Belgian waffles, and Kona coffee which started our day off perfectly! For a long time we ordered coffee from Maui but got out of the habit, and resorted to ‘normal’ coffee that you can find on the lower 48. You have rekindled my desire to have some of that deliciousness so I’m going to order some right now! As for Starbucks, I can take it or leave it. Mostly leave it.
i would have to go to Maui to check out the coffee for myself – where i live, the only thing we have is Starbucks…and my palate wouldn’t mind more options 🙂
I don’t think Starbucks has done anyone any favors when it comes to coffee. With all the half caff, triple shot, lattes with vegan whip or whatever out there, people have forgotten just what good coffee is. I think Maui could remind them!
I love Maui and miss it a lot. Have you ever been to Mommas Fish House? The seafood is the best you’ll ever have. I don’t think there’s a bad place to go in Maui. I am not much of a coffee drinker though.
My favorite blend ever. That shop looks wonderful! The time you spent with your friend is envy worthy for sure…but in a good way! Now, I’m going to be on the hunt for some Maui coffee. I’ve gotten some excellent bags in TJ Max believe it or not. Thanks for sharing this Carol. You’ve sent my craving into overdrive.
I would love to visit a place like that and yes, Starbucks has done no good to our coffee palate 😛
Loved your pictures and those words – all seem to sync up so well.
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One of my friends talks about this coffee all the time. She loves it too!
It’s a treat!
Oh yes, that quote is so true. Happiness and coffee are pretty much the same thing. 😀
P.S. I have never seen a coffee grinder that huge!
Definitely wouldn’t fit in my house!
I’m sure you’re right about the coffee…but I also have to think the Hawaii environment makes it special also!!! How fabulous!! jodie
No doubt!
Hi Carol! I’m sitting here drinking my coffee this morning and while reading your post and dreaming of Maui. It’s pretty sweet here in La Quinta today, but I haven’t been to Hawaii for a couple of years and now you’ve got me thinking…. Enjoy your stay!
I’m back–we went a few weeks ago. It was lovely.
They actually have one of those old coffee grounders in working order in at a coffee shop near me. It too is red, in fact, if memory serves correct, an almost exact replica of the one in your photo. The whole place is decked out like it might have been in the 70’s. It a gorgeous little coffee -stop 🙂
I love coffee bars so much more than “bars”.
I don’t know any places here in the Binghamton, NY area with antique coffee griders, although we have an (excellent) nut shop downtown which roasts its nuts using a 100 plus year old nut roaster. I have never had true maui coffee. I dislike the burnt taste of Starbucks and stopped drinking it years ago. Now you have me wanting to go to Hawai’i, one of the four U.S. states I have never been to.
You should definitely go. It’s worth the long flights. Break it up and stop in San Francisco on the way!
Oh I love to try new coffee places, I am a coffee addict and I’m always looking for new places to try. Too bad I live so far away from this one 🙁
My husband and I spent our honeymoon in Maui and when we weren’t lovin’ on each other we were lovin’ the coffee. We had room service every morning with Belgian waffles, and Kona coffee which started our day off perfectly! For a long time we ordered coffee from Maui but got out of the habit, and resorted to ‘normal’ coffee that you can find on the lower 48. You have rekindled my desire to have some of that deliciousness so I’m going to order some right now! As for Starbucks, I can take it or leave it. Mostly leave it.
i would have to go to Maui to check out the coffee for myself – where i live, the only thing we have is Starbucks…and my palate wouldn’t mind more options 🙂
I don’t think Starbucks has done anyone any favors when it comes to coffee. With all the half caff, triple shot, lattes with vegan whip or whatever out there, people have forgotten just what good coffee is. I think Maui could remind them!
I love Maui and miss it a lot. Have you ever been to Mommas Fish House? The seafood is the best you’ll ever have. I don’t think there’s a bad place to go in Maui. I am not much of a coffee drinker though.
My favorite blend ever. That shop looks wonderful! The time you spent with your friend is envy worthy for sure…but in a good way! Now, I’m going to be on the hunt for some Maui coffee. I’ve gotten some excellent bags in TJ Max believe it or not. Thanks for sharing this Carol. You’ve sent my craving into overdrive.
YUM! I love coffee! Would love to visit the Maui Coffee plantation some day! How fun!
I would love to visit a place like that and yes, Starbucks has done no good to our coffee palate 😛
Loved your pictures and those words – all seem to sync up so well.
Oh I love coffee, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee even more! Mmm, I am tempted…
This sounds so amazing! I think my wife would just love this! I really loved the dogs photo logo at the top with Maui Coffee.
I love coffee. I want to visit Hawaii in the near future and experience Maui coffee.