Maypoles, May Day history & spring

May 1, 2011
It’s May Day. Do kids even do Maypoles any more?
I remember them so vividly from when I was a child.
I love the brightly colored ribbons on this one.

Did you know that in many countries, May Day is International Workers Day, their version of our Labor Day? May Day is also related to the Celtic festival of Beltane, meaning “bright fire,” and in fact, big fires were lit to purify and bring good luck.

I just like that it’s an excuse to put out beautiful baskets of flowers.

Don’t you just love those painted doors?
My front door is knotty pine, but I sure wish I
could paint it one of these vivid colors.

For sure, though, I am putting a basket of flowers on my door.

Summer is just around the corner…

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