Mean people

October 3, 2010

At dinner one night we started talking about why I am always so surprised when people are mean.

It’s not like I’m naive. Or that I haven’t been around the block a time or two.

It just seems like a lot of trouble to dig up ways to be mean to other people.

and I mean seriously mean.

When I worked, a competitor once ginned up a fuss with a prime consultant we shared. It was meant to make me look bad and as far as the truth went, it was baseless. It was hard to tell why she didn’t just have lunch with me and ask me about it. Except that, it being baseless and all, wouldn’t have had the effect of making me look bad. And she instilled some uncertainty and doubt into the prime consulting firm.Which led to me losing business with the prime consultant in years that followed.

Of course, she got that business.

She didn’t need to do it. She had plenty of business of her own. So it felt gratuitous.

What kind of person takes the time to dream up these things? And why?

Someone close to me married late in life. Her parents were gone and the celebration was a little bittersweet as a result. I felt badly and wanted her to have as good an experience with her celebration as possible. I went out of my way to that end. Seriously.

Years later, she and another person close to me made an attempt to cast clouds over my own happy celebration.

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