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With my potty shyness, I’d fail any test given in this environment.
The Board Meeting will meet at 2pm in the Ladies Room.
Okay team. It’s decision time. S*%t or get off the pot.
Okay, Whose in?
This is how Lyndon Johnson used to consult with Congressional and cabinet members!
Ok ladies, the meeting will now come to order.
I think Wendy has the best title. And I suppose the *throne* is reserved for the CEO (chief excretion officer)? Or it may just be more efficient to hold a meeting in the place where bullsh*t wouldn’t be out of place? I suppose the restroom is doubling for chair storage…and isn’t that a lovely thought, as a waiter walks your way with an extra chair for your table?
Oooh yeah, yuck factor!
“As We Gather Around the Throne”
We women like to chatter in the bathroom is one option; although the most plausible one is that bathrooms have a very good acoustics for recording.
2nd try as the first one got garbled….what I really said was:
FLUSH …”Ok ladies, the meeting will now come to order”
There is no humor in this. The restaurant staff is storing extra chairs in the handicapped restroom. The extra space is not arbitrary. It is the amount of space necessary in which to turn a wheelchair. The restaurant should be reported for a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This is one of only two rest rooms; there is not separate handicapped rest room.
Worse yet.
P.S. I wonder what the health department would say about chairs being used in the dining room that have been stored within flush spraying distance of an unlidded toilet? Yuck.
Wendy, you win the caption contest. Email me at ccassara (at) aol with your street addy! Thanks for playing, all!
thanks! so fun! Just sent addy via FB message 🙂