Men in kilts

November 30, 2010

Continuing along my current Scottish theme this post is inspired by the fabulous @SubrbnPrincess, who told me her husband wore his kilt the other day, and she wore her matching sash. PLUS, they had a totally Scottish wedding.
While in Scotland last June, I grew to admire the panache with which men wore their kilts. And whether their legs were sturdy and broad {my preference} or lean and taut {ok in a pinch}, they looked great. I can think of a number of men who would look great in kilts. Or who do. Like him:
Oh, he’s so yummy, isn’t he?

No, this isn’t @SubrbnPrincess, but I’ll bet her wedding party looked something like this:
Kilts. Don’t leave home without one!

2 comments on “Men in kilts
  1. Thanks for the promo! I love that you are looking at all things Scottish!

    Yes we had a big Scottish wedding with lots of ancient Scottish rituals and most men in kilts!

    My husband wears his kilt to any formal events we attend :O)

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