
February 2, 2009

…this is one of the joys of mid-life, not having to do the camping thing. My best friend has always said “My idea of camping is a Howard Johnson’s with a black-and-white TV.”

But I haven’t seen a B&W TV in a very long time. So maybe my best friend’s idea of camping should be updated.

But it doesn’t change the fact that we have shared this exact attitude for decades.

Those of you who received my “Carol Goes Camping” email of two or three years ago know this. You know, when I went to northern California with all those women? And the whole trip turned out to be about bears? (most trips to the wild turn out that way for me. Mostly because I saw that Timothy Treadwell video but also because my father bagged an Alaskan bear in the 60s and its skin rug was prominently featured in ourliving room while I was growing up.)

Anyway, I just love this thought and think they are words to live by.

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