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A good reminder of why it’s important to LIVE! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Yes, living fully as possible, Sara.
I love this post. This is something that midlife women struggle with. I know that I have. Without those never ending kids sports and activities, it’s harder to figure out ways to actually get out there and meet new friends. And, you really find out who were the good ones in the first place…
Yes, that’s really true. I never had kids so didn’t have that built-in commonality. But I did have some of that with my career. but those friends have all relocated, moving on long before retirement. We have wonderful neighbors and I have friends all over the country but of course, it’s not the same as having them here.
Once I hit the 50 mark, I decided to cull certain people from my life, including the ones who only show up for disasters. Who needs the negativity? I’m so much happier now to have friends who are there for all the times.. good and bad!
Yes, absolutely the same!
This sounds like a large slice of heaven, Carol! I love my all-the-time friends!
Yes sirree! As you would say!
Carol, getting up to dance is meaningful, especially when you do it with the people you love. Covid has made some of this impossible, but while in CA with family–yes, we danced, we sang, we ran around the house, walked the dogs. WE HAD FUN. Fun is as important as breathing.
Well, we meet up with friends on zoom all the time and virtually dance! We have maintained and even renewed friendships during the pandemic just by zoom.