Culture break

March 26, 2016

mixed-mediaWandering around San Francisco’s Union Square the other day, these pieces caught my eye. The artist is Fortune Sitole.

mixed-mediaThey’re scenes from South Africa. The artist aims to show the universality of poverty through his depictions of shack life. The pieces that included women were particularly striking.

mixed-mediaColor always speaks to me. Always. I was quite taken by the vibrance of the mixed-media pieces and especially the use of corrugated aluminum.

mixed-mediaThere’s nothing like them in my house and not much wall space remaining, so I couldn’t buy one.

But I wanted to…

..and maybe I will. The smaller ones weren’t even all that expensive.  You can learn about the artist, who is fascinating, and see his work HERE.  Don’t freak out at the prices, he didn’t price the smaller ones on his site but they were several hundred dollars.


5 comments on “Culture break
  1. They are amazing. Those corrugated shacks are just awful….there are so many outside Cape Town. Generations of apartheid cannot be corrected quickly. We still the issue here.

  2. angie says:

    beautiful work, a bit out of my price range but would love to have any of these pieces thanks for sharing
    come see us at

  3. andrea says:

    Beautiful imagery – and it’s sending out a very strong – and a very powerful message….

  4. denise says:


  5. So very rich, Carol. Thank you…..

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