More rules for life

April 17, 2013

A few simple rules for life. Let’s take them one at a time:

No whining.
Over the past year, I’ve had to contend with a few adult whiners. I don’t think there’s anything more difficult than to listen to immature adults whine. Seriously.  Whining is self-destructive, demoralizing and incredibly childish.

Now, I’ve done my share of whining over the years, but trust me: after seeing whining in action, from the outside, I am never going to whine again.

Be happy.
I do think this is a choice. It’s true that some people are luckier than others and some have more challenges, but whatever our circumstance, we can choose to find those moments of happiness that make life so wonderful.

Do your own thing.
It’s not always popular or accepted, but we can only be who we are. I’ve never been much of a follower, and while it’s made some parts of my life more complicated, it’s also given me happiness and joy beyond compare.

Enjoy life.
This relates to be happy, doesn’t it? Whether it’s enjoying spring blooms on a tree, a crashing ocean or just a day of solitude, life is full of enjoyment just waiting to be had.

Dream big.
If you can dream it, you can do it. But sometimes, dreaming’s enough. Reach for the stars if you like, but if not, have a rich dream life. It’ll get you further than you can even imagine.

Often. And someone who knows how.

Everyone. Even whiners.

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