Mother & child reunion

October 2, 2009

Riley and Puddin’ are home now.

Oh, such excitement! Even from the usually calm Puddin’. Riley, with his short haircut, all abarkin’ and running all over the house, to be sure it’s still there.

Tail waggin’ and smiling from the lovely Puddin’, who was also groomed yesterday.

So very adorable. Sooo happy to see them today and they get along so well together

M. picks up the other three tomorrow morning. Right now, we are enjoying the peace of just the two who get along well. We’re lounging in bed. Riley up against M’s leg. Puddin’ on the floor inside the doorway. She and Riley are such good buds that when she returned from the vet, Riley ran right up and nuzzled her, just like he knew something was wrong.

Oh, you’re wondering what was wrong.

Pud was out of meds for her bone spur pain, so M. took her to the vet for a new Rx. Her new Tampa vet, my longtime one. Thank goodness–she had a raging ear infection, something chow-chows apparently are prone to. And a really bad one at that. So we have new meds for Princess Pud, who is just kicking back.

Tomorrow’s Sit Saturday! will describe our morning trying to integrate everyone the right way– with our dog trainer present.

4 comments on “Mother & child reunion
  1. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    aw. Is he eating ok?

  2. Yes, the kennel owner cooked him chicken and rice, and I made him chicken this morning. He is FINE and off all meds. M. talked to the vet this morning, all is well. I will miss this kennel a lot. they are wonderful.

    Now, it’s PUD who is ill!

    He is sound asleep next to M’s leg.If you think I haven’t been trying to figure out a way to bring him to Acqui….;-))))

    We miss you guys! . Last night I thought bout our “suite” and it being empty till this weekend. What it looked like, imagined it dark, quiet, empty.

    I went to get vanilla yogurt and fruit, both a pale substitute for yours.

    xoxo from us both!

  3. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    Get Greek Yogurt and a vanilla seed and a little bit of honey.

  4. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    xoxoxoxo from us too… they were truly lovely days.

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