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aw. Is he eating ok?
Yes, the kennel owner cooked him chicken and rice, and I made him chicken this morning. He is FINE and off all meds. M. talked to the vet this morning, all is well. I will miss this kennel a lot. they are wonderful.
Now, it’s PUD who is ill!
He is sound asleep next to M’s leg.If you think I haven’t been trying to figure out a way to bring him to Acqui….;-))))
We miss you guys! . Last night I thought bout our “suite” and it being empty till this weekend. What it looked like, imagined it dark, quiet, empty.
I went to get vanilla yogurt and fruit, both a pale substitute for yours.
xoxo from us both!
Get Greek Yogurt and a vanilla seed and a little bit of honey.
xoxoxoxo from us too… they were truly lovely days.