A mother’s still a mom, even on the other side.

June 12, 2014

universe magicI’m beginning to think my blog has been hijacked by my people in the Afterlife, right?  Today’s post talks about a very personal experience I had at the conference last week.

During the Afterlife Awareness Conference I was scheduled to be in two small groups with the featured mediums. Before coming, I’d set my intention: I wanted to hear from my mother. She’d been very silent in recent years, while my father had been super-chatty from the afterlife. This time, I wanted to hear from her. Instead of my own wedding ring I wore a small emerald ring of hers and I sent my intention out to the universe. Mom, come on in!

During the conference I kept running into a medium I’d never before heard of. A guy, maybe in his 30s.  It seemed like everywhere I went, there he was, either passing by or I’d see him out of the corner of my eye. I was curious.

He was to do a big group reading for our entire assembly and the next day I was scheduled to be part of a smaller, 15-person group that would get more personal attention.

Now, just so you know, I’m the best fit for a straightforward, matter-of-fact medium, an evidential medium that gives me facts and figures and a little spiritual stuff. But during the large group presentation I was taken aback that this one was emotional and dramatic. He was very, very good with grieving parents. I was not, however, a grieving parent. Or even a grieving person. My grief departed a long time ago. I was simply a seeker.

“I’m a little worried about my small group with him,” I said to one of the women I’d met. “Maybe he’s not the right fit for me.”

“I’ll buy your ticket from you,” she said. She’d lost her son and was anxious for whatever connection might be made.

I thought about it.

“Thanks, but I think I’ll give it a try.”

In the conference room with 14 others I liked the vibe I got as I watched him across the conference table. The door shut and he began. He looked straight at me.

“Your mother’s here!” he announced.

“I see you, Carol, I see who you are,’ she’s saying.”  His eyes bore into mine. He spoke my mother’s words:  “From the time you were a little girl of 5, 6 7, 8 you were a beautiful bright light. I’ve always seen you. You have an amazing and extraordinary gift for sharing your heart. Keep writing your story. Focus. Never lose sight of your dream.  I believe in you and your story, keep writing, always. Never lose sight of your dream.”

There was more, but this was the magical message and you’ll see why.

Late that night I was heading to the Business Center to print my boarding pass when I saw the medium in the hall talking to another man. He excused himself from his conversation, saying “I’ve got to talk to this woman.” He headed straight for me, took my arm, looked into my eyes and said;

“YOU are AMAZING. You are loving, heart-centered and connected. Tell your stories so the rest of us can benefit. Don’t let that go.  Your people on the other side will help you along.” He hugged me.

I walked back to my room in a daze. I’d already written and scheduled a blog post all about open hearts and had talked to my husband the day before about the same subject. And it’s not a secret that I’d been struggling with my book, changed direction, stopped, couldn’t focus. It seemed so …synchronous—to hear this message from my mother and from the medium.

The following day the medium and I ended up in the same closing circle. We talked a little bit about him coming to the west coast again and he asked for my card. Here is my card:

my biz card

He looked at the card and then at me.

“That’s right,” I said. “I’m a writer.”

Exactly two people at the conference knew that. Neither of them knew him.

He shook his head.   “You can’t make this stuff up.”

The following day I was at Powell’s Bookstore browsing the stacks. I came across some prints of inspirational sayings. Now, I’ve probably seen just about every inspirational saying that exists.  Except for the one that fell out of the stack into my hands:

I am not afraidIt now hangs in my office.

*Disclaimer: I am not without my critical eye.  Here is the general part that could apply to anyone: “You are a bright light…”  And here is the part that could only apply to someone struggling with writing from their heart –of which there was only one in that room and that was me: “Please continue to write your stories.”

PS For new readers who are asking about how I got into this, this is not a one-off event. I have been exploring this world for years. Go to All Blog Posts tab on my home page and scroll down….there are quite a few recent posts and many older ones.


40 comments on “A mother’s still a mom, even on the other side.
  1. I love this story Carol! I feel we can be guided by the ones we love. I also feel that any way we want to take a sign is the way it’s meant for us. xo

  2. I don’t even know what to say other than I love this and yes, write your stories.

  3. I am glad that you are getting encouragement from all around to continue writing. What a positive message. So validating.

    • To say the least, I was taken aback. Even though I do believe in this stuff, sometimes things happen that bring it home. Like yesterday, when I was told something had happened that my father in spirit told me would happen last fall. It happened. I was kind of freaked out! even though I believe.

  4. Ryder Ziebarth says:

    Holy Crap. I want to talk to one. Right now. Any suggestions for NYC area?

  5. kim tackett says:

    keep writing and I’ll keep reading!!!!

  6. Diana Stevan says:

    Carol, it was lovely finding you on Katherine’s Thursday Blog Hop. I am fascinated by your experience and believe as you do, there are signs in the universe if we are open to them. It’s one of the themes I explore in my upcoming novel, A CRY FROM THE DEEP. I also recall, decades ago now, when I was struggling with what to do next, I went to an astrologist for a reading. She basically told me I had to buy a computer or I would go crazy. I was so intent on writing, and she said I needed to do that. And yes, that was decades back when computers weren’t that popular. Good luck with your writing and your spiritual journeys. 🙂

    • I’m so glad you dropped by to share your story! I’ve been blogging about this all week so if you go to “All Blog Posts’ tab and scroll back you will see more.

      • Diana Stevan says:

        Thanks, Carol. As I mentioned, I’ve never seen a medium, nor have I watched shows about the process, but I do believe there is more than the eye can see, and our brains can understand.

  7. I’m one who believes in this sort of thing, so when there are stories like these I love hearing them. This conference sounds interesting. I’m curious how you came across the info for it and what inspired you to attend. I’m glad you got the words you were looking for and that your mom came through for you.

    • Last week I blogged about how my mother’s death in 1999 was the catalyst for my journey. I can’t remember how I found out about it but I read and follow a lot on this subject and have been exploring it for years. So it’s not an unusual thing for me to run across.

  8. Wow! That is really amazing. I have thought of going to a medium before, but haven’t found the courage. So happy to hear your mom connected with you.

    • It’s not the first time! My father and I talk all the time, actually. Not to sound crazy or anything. 😉 If you go to “All Blog posts” tab and scroll, you will see other stories about my journey.s

  9. Lana says:

    Carol – this story gave me chills. It’s my favorite so far! My husband is very interested in talking to a medium, but we haven’t known how to find someone reputable. I would love some suggestions from you if you have time. I”ll email you later today.

  10. kelly says:

    made me cry, Carol. isn’t that amazing?! so so cool!! I’m going to go to that conference one day. I swear.

    just too cool!!

  11. Where do you find mediums, aside from afterlife conferences?

    • You have to do research. This was my first afterlife conference but i’ve been using mediums for decades. I’ve talked a lot about that in blog post over the past few weeks if you want to go to All Blog Posts and scroll down.

  12. Lisa Froman says:

    Love these stories. I believe there are those who have the gift of mediumship. Thanks for sharing and being so open about your experiences.

  13. I am really drawn to the possibility of a connection (outside of my own head) with my younger brother who left us a year ago. I appreciated that you described the importance of this to you even a little further down the road than I am. Nice post.

  14. Tammy says:

    Such an interesting and amazing subject. I’ve had some interaction in this world, despite myself. Comforting and alarming all at once. So love this sharing!

  15. Helen Knight says:

    Very impressing and touching. I think it’s funny that your dad is so chatty in the afterlife – I believe you’d said he wasn’t highly communicative in this one. I don’t know what to believe about conversing with people in the after life, but do want you to keep writing!

  16. Diane says:

    So touching! I have felt my Mom’s presence on a couple of occasions. And my Dad has smelled her perfume in his apartment. And, in life, she was never in this apartment. They are aware of us. And they are very close. It brings me such comfort!

  17. I have chills….and yes keep writing!

  18. Yes! Moms are always right. Please continue to write your stories!

  19. How wonderful that your mom let you know that she was aware of what you’re doing and proud of you for doing it! How cool is that? I was raised Catholic, but since I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s have always been very open and receptive to a variety of types of spiritual journeys, so I can get that this type of contact could occur. Keep writing, mom knows best!

  20. There is absolutely nothing like affirmation from our moms. It doesn’t matter how or where it comes to us, it’s gold. Your mom’s affirmation came to you because of your open heart. How lucky you are.

  21. Oh my God, I was right! I know this sounds crazy but sometimss I have this I don’t know how to explain it. I get these feelings about people it’s always been just a faint thing. I just don’t know it’s just that since I started reading others people’s blogs I read them but literally see the emotion. I see colors just a few. I just saw one color that was your writing for the last couple of months. If I had to describe it I would say a smoky gray. When I read your posts it came acrossed as smoky gray. But then all of a sudden it was red and I didn’t understand then a couple of posts it was brighter until last night it was glowing red that’s when I figured out about the writing and then todays post and oh hell just ignore me, I don’t understand any more than you do. Sorry about the spelling I freaked myself out some. Just something changed a I can’t really describe it. Will you take this comment off so people don’t think I’m a dumbass lol

  22. Barbara says:

    Fascinating. Familiar. Love it.

  23. Kay Lynn says:

    How wonderful to get this message from your mom just when you needed to hear it.

    I love to read about your experiences as it opens my mind to possibilities.

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