Moving fast…too fast

May 8, 2009

My head is spinning! A bunch of women from last night began tweeting (Twitter) about us all and individually, some are DMing (direct message from Twitter).

And my girlfriend lunch date today is bringing the VP of Shoes I met the other month at her house! I really like her, so what fun!

Women rock.

And reluctantly, most reluctantly, I have begun to tweet. It is now a marketing requirement, so many women in our demographic are on Twitter.

Truly, I think it’s stupid and time consuming. I know I hold this very old-fashioned idea because I’m a middle-aged-diva, and as a writer, I don’t want to be constrained to 142 characters.

How do they find time for all this? I am already actively using Facebook. Grrrr! too much!!

I am longing for a quill pen, papyrus and hours to construct formal letters…and months to get there and back.

LeDandy, you have the right idea with your pince nez! (see blogs I follow, LeDandy of Northern California is one)

One comment on “Moving fast…too fast
  1. Alan says:

    Thx for the kind words Diva. I closed my Facebook account a couple months ago as I tired of the childish banter with my “friends.” I felt like my IQ instantly went up twenty points.

    I won’t even go near Twitter. I believe it is dangerous to our youth in terms of their communication skills.

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