Never can say goodbye

May 25, 2013

Oh, darling Pooh, this is both a blessing and a curse.  Sometimes, it means we hold on to people and things so long we don’t see that they’ve outlived their usefulness. They no longer serve us. Or that they’re just plain worn out.

I’m a big collector–of things and people.  Our house isn’t huge, but it’s a good sized place. And yet, I have way too much stuff for it.  Learning to cull my belongings is painful because there’s always a reason to remain attached to something. 100 pens. A box. A pair of 10-year-old linen pants. Shoes that I used to wear when I worked in business. I’m not exactly a hoarder, but there’s definitely room for improvement.

It’s the same with people, really.  I keep them in my life a long time and sometimes that serves me and sometimes not.

I’ve been in the mood for spring cleaning these days, literally and figuratively.  It’s time to make some space in my house and in my life.

Or at least that’s what I keep telling myself, hoping it’ll take root.

I need help.

How do you inspire yourself to clear out the clutter?

5 comments on “Never can say goodbye
  1. Laura Kennedy says:

    I have hoarding tendencies, and I’ve known a lot of true hoarders in my life. Been related or married to some of them. ( I name no names.) Seeing the phenomenon close up keeps me inspired to KEEP AFTER IT ON A REGULAR BASIS. Otherwise, chaos awaits.

  2. Janie Emaus says:

    I just did some of this decluttering today. Dust everywhere. But I actually threw away a lot of things. And then again, some items just got moved to another pile.

  3. Chloe Jeffreys says:

    We are downsizing, but I’ve taken a break. I need to get back to it again. We have much too much stuff. But memories are attached to much of it.

  4. Rocque says:

    My house was broken into about a year ago. Since I did not feel safe there anymore, and the neighborhood was changing (a lot of people who had a lot of parties were moving nearby), I decided to move. Yikes! I moved to a house with less storage space and I am using my summer break to tackle the decluttering process.
    Wish me luck.

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