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YES!!??I live in a neighborhood in San Francisco where on any walk to my local grocery store I might see a baby (or two!) any day! The sight of a new baby always brightens my day and fills me with an inexplicable joy! Few pleasures are so enjoyable in life as walking and seeing a new baby!
Yes, and especially these days, LB!
Blessings on your healthy new babies. We have a fetus in our family that is struggling. Prayers are needed. And it’s the mother’s first child. And on another note, Merry Christmas, my friend.
I’m sorry to hear this, Beth. Prayer coming. Best holiday wishes and love to you all.
I SO agree, Carol! New life always gives me new hope as well and it definitely has been in short supply this year! Thank you for sharing your hope with me!
Yup. Happy for the young couples and the belief they have in the future.
My daughter unexpectedly had twins and then my son and daughter-in-law had a baby this august. I felt a surprising calmness and remembered a friend telling me about babies born in London during the air strikes…joy among the ashes. Babies bring hope…you are so right.
How wonderful, Donna. And, what a great comparison.
I love this. Yes, new babies are always wonderful, another chance to get it right again. I believe the younger generations are our best hope for the future.
I’m glad it’s in their hands and not ours. I never thought I’d say that.
I applaud those who go through a pregnancy during this time. It must be so hard and scary. But a new baby is always wonderful.
yes, i had all those thoughts for them. And now, here they are!
Great perspective. Focus on the future.
And on someone else!
Yes, babies bring such joy.