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Very cool! I grew up in East LA and went to college in Santa Clara Co – BA from SJSU, MA from Santa Clara University (which was still University of Santa Clara when I went there). I woner which college students are yours?
Now, according to the map, i live in wine snob territory. I suppose that could be true but i hope we are not all snobs! I prefer to thing of it in the words of Luther Burbank: “I firmly believe, from what I have seen, that this is the chosen spot of all this earth as far as Nature is concerned.”
LOL! I grew up in “mostly on fire” and guess what? It usually is!
What a fun graphic. i’m a California girl- and I live in the Orange bridge area (San Fran). I know people talk about New York being the melting pot- but it has nothing on California. I think it’s because if there’s anythng consistent about Californians- its that it’s okay to be anything we want. Virginia- FirstClassWoman
I just loved this when I saw it–it really does explain everything! Those of us who live near Orange Bridge should have a meetup!
oh my goodness – I live in California and this map is hysterical! And so true!
Being a life long Californian, I love how your infographic nails life in the Golden State. I currently live where your map says there are rocks.I can attest that the ground around Rancho Cucamonga is indeed full of rocks. Makes gardening a real chore!!!
This is very similar to Michigan. We have (as you know) a Upper Peninsula and a lower Pennisula and never the two shall meet!
ok now I liked this, and reading some of the “picture” made me laugh …
I’ve only been to California once and although I enjoyed it I never found a reason to go back. I think I need to check it out again.
This is great and so timely! I just got back from visiting family who live in the inland empire. I’ve visited California many times and find this map hilarious. I’ll have to share the laugh with them!
Well that sums it up nicely doesn’t it. I must share this with my West Coast gal pals. They’ll love it.