No is a complete sentence.

April 3, 2015

just-say-noMaybe it’s the myth of the Superwoman that makes it so hard for some women to say “no.”

Or the need to be a “nice girl.”

Or maybe it’s the feeling we ought to be doing the thing we’re being asked to do, even if we have no time for it. Even when we are already over-committed.

Or maybe we just never learned to say “no.”  To set appropriate limits for ourselves.

“Just say no” is more than an anti-drug slogan. It’s healthy.

That’s the subject of my post today over at Boomeon. I hope you will comment over HERE or share or both. Comments are blogger gold, especially when we write for other sites.

Of course, I love to know your thoughts any time and anywhere, but if you don’t mind signing up at Boomeon, I’d love to see them there.

Thank you!

15 comments on “No is a complete sentence.
  1. Karen says:

    I keep trying and failing to get signed in at Boomeon, so would you settle for a share on Twitter? Completely agree with you about the “no” thing. I think too many of us are afraid to look like bitches if we set boundaries.

  2. Jeanine says:

    Love this. No is most definitely a complete sentence. It’s just a shame a lot of people don’t know the meaning of it!

  3. Bethany says:

    Saying no is definitely a struggle for me. Hehe I know it’s strange but I always feel like people are going to hate me or like me less if I tell them no at something.

  4. Alana says:

    I am guilty of overexplaining. I need that “No is a complete sentence”. I will say “no” to a boomeon account. I did share on social media.

  5. I wish my kids knew what this mean’t! No means no I tell them not yes, not maybe but no!

  6. Sandy says:

    Great post. I agree, I used to have the worst time saying “no.” I learned to get over it real 😉

  7. M from K&M: The Stay-at-Home Life says:

    it really is! No is no.

  8. I got comfortable at saying no. My life is better since I put limits on saying yes.

  9. I love no. One of my favorites. Great post. It’s empowering, teaching my children boundaries, mom has a life and needs. Good stuff.

  10. So you’re saying ‘No’ means ‘No’? Okay- I’ll stick with that.

  11. Stephanie says:

    I am learning to say no more often — it’s very freeing!

  12. Lisa Rios says:

    I just love this! But honestly most of the times I find it so difficult to just say NO. But I agree it is always better to learn saying NO & clear it on.

  13. Read your post over on Boomeon. For me, when I hear plain NO from someone I do want to hear why. And I do like to provide why. But I quite agree with you, NO is enough.

  14. The Imp says:

    Yes, absolutely! I honestly find it disrespectful when folks push for an explaination when being told ‘no’.

  15. I am one of those women who have a hard time saying no and it usually ends up with me over extending myself….something I am working on:)

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