A girlfriend shared this website after reading my post on random acts of kindess. It’s about a worldwide movment to inspire the world through giving. Her church is doing this Dec. 1 – 25. (That’s the kind of church I’d like to go to.)
The stories on the website reduced me to tears. But then I went out and bought a few Publix gift cards and will look for the right place to give them out. Take a look:
I gave my creative writing workshop to a group of wonderful writers and we had a blast. Fun, creative exercises, great laughter. Plus I got all rave reviews. They want me back next year, for a full day, this time. It was really a wonderful morning.
I know I could turn this into a business, but M. reminds me about 10 times a day to WRITE THE BOOK next year and not work. It’s such a gift, you might wonder why I have to be reminded of this and sometimes I wonder too!
We’re taking a little pre-holiday trip to Charleston, SC next weekend. Four nights at the Governor’s House Inn. Coming down its broad staircase is always a Scarlett O’Hara moment for me.
We’ll be home in time for Christmas, which we plan to have very quietly and alone. Yes, yes, we know that you’re supposed to be with friends and family this time of year. But. After the craziness of this past year, it really will be nice to have a quiet, private holiday.
Because the very next day, Dec. 26, we fly to Calif. at the crack dawn to go measure the house and maybe buy some furniture.
Just four days, staying with a dear friend whom M. just loves. And she loves him.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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