Of burning ovens & cooking food

February 18, 2011

Ok, so it IS true that I set my new oven on fire last month.

I was broiling some bread to make crostini for company that night.

I actually FORGOT (because I am old and easily distracted) that they were in there (but also because we aren’t supposed to keep the oven door open during broiling like we used to .) And in a gas oven, the flame is very close to the top shelf.

Anyway, by the time I remembered and went to check, the the cookie sheet full of crostini was aflame. Wildly aflame. And that was before we bought the fire extinguisher. I looked dumbly at the flames for a couple minutes before I called for reinforcements. Which included a canine siren (Riley).

It all ended well, and fortunately, did not put me off cooking, which I do just about every day to pretty good reviews, if I must say so myself. And I must. Because this is my blog.

But I really don’t like to slave over the burners for very long and have been inspired to devise quick, simple and very healthy dinners. Here’s one:

Healthy Black Beans & Brown Rice Bowl

  • Low sodium black beans – 1 can
  • (or cook them yourself. Or buy regular canned black beans and rinse off the sodium)
  • Half a yellow pepper
  • Half an onion
  • Organic brown rice (I use Trader Joe’s frozen)
  • One yam, baked

Saute the yellow pepper and onion till soft.
Cook the rice.
Add the black beans and bring to a boil.
Slice the baked yam.

Spoon a small amount of brown rice in bottom of bowl.
Add yam slices.
Top with black bean, pepper & onion mixture

Could it be any easier? Delicious, filling, good for you and vegetarian.

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