Ok, so it IS true that I set my new oven on fire last month.
I was broiling some bread to make crostini for company that night.
I actually FORGOT (because I am old and easily distracted) that they were in there (but also because we aren’t supposed to keep the oven door open during broiling like we used to .) And in a gas oven, the flame is very close to the top shelf.
Anyway, by the time I remembered and went to check, the the cookie sheet full of crostini was aflame. Wildly aflame. And that was before we bought the fire extinguisher. I looked dumbly at the flames for a couple minutes before I called for reinforcements. Which included a canine siren (Riley).
It all ended well, and fortunately, did not put me off cooking, which I do just about every day to pretty good reviews, if I must say so myself. And I must. Because this is my blog.
But I really don’t like to slave over the burners for very long and have been inspired to devise quick, simple and very healthy dinners. Here’s one:
Healthy Black Beans & Brown Rice Bowl
Low sodium black beans – 1 can
(or cook them yourself. Or buy regular canned black beans and rinse off the sodium)
Half a yellow pepper
Half an onion
Organic brown rice (I use Trader Joe’s frozen)
One yam, baked
Saute the yellow pepper and onion till soft. Cook the rice. Add the black beans and bring to a boil. Slice the baked yam.
Spoon a small amount of brown rice in bottom of bowl. Add yam slices. Top with black bean, pepper & onion mixture
Could it be any easier? Delicious, filling, good for you and vegetarian.
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