Of outliers & black sheep

May 27, 2011

It’s not easy to be the black sheep in the family. Or in any group
The one who stands out. Who thinks differently.
To be an outlier.

In research, an outlier is anything that stands outside
the normal pattern of distribution.
That’s what a black sheep is. An outlier.

There’s no question that it’s hard.
It takes courage and confidence to be who you are
when that person is so different from the norm.

Following the herd has never been my strong suit.
After all, I came of age in the 1960s when the motto was Question Authority.

But, the Sixties aside,it would be hard to be anyone other than the (usual) outlier I am.

I believe that’s true of most “black sheep.”

Among my friends, I count a number of similarly outfitted friends.
They’re interesting, unexpected, creative — and some of my most fun companions.

The most accomplished artists, scientists and
entrepreneurs were “different.” That difference
was the foundation for their accomplishments.

Look around. Do you have a friend who sits outside the norm in some way?
Who doesn’t belong entirely to “the group?”

How about a child: do you know a child that doesn’t “fit in?”

Think about the courage that it takes for a child
to be an outlier in a world in which conformity is

Find ways to nurture and celebrate that difference.
Give those children a safe place to be themselves.

Because it’s hard to be the “black sheep.”

And because that difference could be the source of
creative –or even visionary– inspiration later in life.

4 comments on “Of outliers & black sheep
  1. Kelly says:

    I should have come up in the 60’s. I’m an aquarius to boot. I hate rules. I loathe authority. I buck expectations. I love anything odd. I thrive on chaos. And conformity is like cryptonite to me. *shudder*

    people who “Fit in” instantly repulse me. I’m such a bitch. lol

  2. beachlover says:

    Oh, I agree! I love that fact that my children are who they are, and don’t follow the crowd! So, so important for them to be who THEY are. Very creative blog!

  3. Jo says:

    I believe the outliers are the writers, the painters, the artsy fartsy ones. Black sheep rock because we just don’t think inside anyone’s box.

    Great take on this one.

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