Oh, snap!

July 8, 2010

I read a news story last week about a woman who was having a hard time finding a job. The story was meant to support the extension of unemployment insurance.

The woman was laid off from her job as a caseworker in an NGO and had been looking for months. She was quoted something like this:

“I haven’t been able to find a caseworker job so I am thinking about looking for some other kind of job or even a part-time job. I need that extension. If I tap my retirement account I’ll be out of money in less than a year.” Huh?

Oh, snap!

Our government, so broke it can’t fund serious social services, like help for abused kids, hungry kids, the disabled — is supposed to give her more unemployment money despite the fact that she has SAVINGS SHE HASN’T TAPPED?

And she’s only looked for a social services job, knowing that those jobs are largely disappearing because they can’t be funded?

Wheels off, baby. Wheels off.

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