
September 11, 2009

Meditation tonight. We think. Gosh, our day’s busy!

If we go, it’ll be the second Friday I’ve gone to a Tampa meditation center on E. Busch. And M. is coming.

Lovely. So peaceful.

We NEED that. We live in a three-ring circus.

My home has become OUR home.

I like it.

And it is an adjustment for us all. My husband has had to say far too many goodbyes this past year. And I have had too much uncertainty and upheaval in my home space. And my heart space. All of this takes its toll.

We look forward to leaving for our peaceful Italian vacation in just about a week. It will be nice to have no real agenda; just a Kindle full of books, a lovely living space at Baur B&B, and beautiful countryside to explore by car.

(And a GPS navigation system. Because neither of us can find our way out of a paper bag.)

So, meditation tonight. If we can get out of the house.

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