We leave for Italy today and we’re returning to the Piemonte. Again this year, we’ll stay at Baur B&B, a place my husband fell in love with last September.
Badly in need of some down time, he settled into the terrace and found a place to breathe, to unwind and to rest. Ease and relaxation came from the cool fall air, lazing in a chair, gazing at the beautiful hills and vineyard, letting his book fall to his lap as he fell under the spell of Acqui Terme.
Yes, the terrace is what made us want to return to this beautiful place created by Diana and Micha. And a year later, we are on our way again.
We start at SFO this afternoon.
Air France all the way to Paris. A very long flight. Difficult for me as I do not sleep on planes, even in First or Business Class.
A few too many hours at the airport in Paris (why did we choose this schedule?) and then, Alitalia to Genoa. Alitalia is always an adventure. They’re the only airline to ever lose my luggage — for three days, 10 years ago. A very long three days in the same outfit. {I carry on a change of clothes now. I burned that outfit after that trip.}
Then, the fun of picking up our rental car at the Genoa airport. I won’t describe last year’s fun, but it involves going from vendor to vendor in the Genoa airport trying to determine who had our car. Our travel agent supposedly got to the bottom of it, but it’s Italy and so the chips will fall where they may.
We’ll drive our car about 45km into the countryside and finally climb the hill to Baur B&B. Diana & Micha will have laid out a little snack for us, and, as it’ll be after 6pm there, we’ll probably collapse in bed.
You’re unlikely to see any posts of statues, churches or artifacts. It’s not that kind of trip. But you’ll probably see some shots of Diana’s beautiful breakfasts. Or the way the sun hits the colorful walls. Or of somnolent bees. Maybe some shots of us working with clay in her studio. Or of M. doing his big book of Sunday New York Times crosswords. Maybe some photos of the market or even the supermarket where we shop for cheese, prosciutto and bread, our usual mid-day meal.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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Have fun! I hope you’ll recap! Italy is a trip my husband and I really hope to take one day….soon.