Easy one-dish meal

September 14, 2015

These days very few of us are interested in spending hours in the kitchen preparing the kind of healthful food we should be eating. A delicious, one-dish meal is appreciated at our house: easy to prepare and fewer dishes to wash after dinner. Here is a super easy one-dish, vegetarian meal that is healthy, filling and so tasty you won’t believe it. You can add whatever you want, but here’s one way that I make my One-Dish Black Beans, Rice and Vegetables.

Black Beans, Rice & Fresh Vegetables (serves 2)


1 15-oz. can of black beans (use no added salt type or soak dried beans yourself and cook)
1/4 of a medium onion, chopped
1 clove garlic
1/3 of a large, sweet potato, baked and chunked
Broccoli, steamed and cut in bite-sized florets, as many as you like
Rainbow carrots, steamed and sliced, as many as you like
Brown rice, cooked, amount up to you or don’t use it at all
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar

  1. Saute onions and garlic in olive oil in the bottom of a medium sauce pan.
  2. Add can of black beans, a few splashes of balsamic vinegar and heat.
  3. Spoon a serving of cooked rice into a one-serving bowl.
  4. Top with cooked and heated carrots, sweet potatoes and broccoli.
  5. Spoon heated black beans and onion mixture over it all.
  6. Enjoy!

There you have it–two easy servings of a delicious vegetarian meal that’s really good for you.

Oh, wait. You want to see photos of it? Yeah, I’d like to show them to you. But I forgot to take a picture of the finished dish. And I think you already know what the rest of the stuff looks like. But in case you don’t:



Yes, these are broccoli and rainbow carrots, cooked and tender.

Yes, these are broccoli and rainbow carrots, cooked and tender.

36 comments on “Easy one-dish meal
  1. Meg Root says:

    I agree with all of the above, and the recipe looks delicious. With cooler fall weather on the way (at some point!) I also love the addition of the sweet potato. Trying for sure.

  2. Katy Kozee says:

    Sounds easy and yummy, I can’t wait to try it. I’ll have to try it out when my daughter comes to visit, she loves sweet potatoes.

  3. Looks so delicious. I pinned to try it later this week.

  4. I love easy, fresh meals like this one. The sweet potatoes are such a great addition!

  5. Lee Anne says:

    This looks so good. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Miss Angie says:

    Yum! I am trying to eat more veggies, and these recipes are great!

  7. penpen says:

    My daughter and her family have moved from being vegetarians (challenging but fun to feed) to vegan (even more challenging but a lot less fun). I’m clipping this recipe for their next visit.

  8. Kristen says:

    love this. anything that’s a one-dish meal is a great meal in my book! thank you for sharing!

  9. I never seem to remember to take pictures of my finished products either. lol, this sounds really good though. I’m trying to incorporate more vegetarian meals in the home so we’ll definitely be giving this a try.

  10. Sounds easy to make and really yummy, Carol!

  11. Kate says:

    This sounds delicious!

  12. Lisha Fink says:

    I especially love dishes that only require one pot to be washed.
    Sounds delicious. Looking forward to trying it out.

  13. Logan Can says:

    This looks delicious! Pinning for sure!

  14. Lee Gaitan says:

    YUM! I introduced my Colombian husband to sweet potato, which he now loves, so I can’t wait to try this dish–kind of a blending of our two cultures (although Colombians use red beans more than black, you get the general idea of what I’m going for!).

  15. Estelle says:

    That looks delicious–I love black beans and sweet potatoes. For me, I’d probably skip the rice, though.

  16. T Austin says:

    Mmmm this looks super yummy! I love one pot dishes!

  17. Donna says:

    We love quick and easy dishes like this in our house during the week! We eat a lot of black beans too, so this sounds perfect 🙂

  18. Carolann says:

    Now this is a dish I know we will love especially my daughter as she is a vegetarian. Thx for sharing looks yummy!

  19. My husband and daughter are both vegetarians and are always looking for new dishes. I am passing this on to them!

  20. I’m always looking for good vegetarian recipes and this one looks great!

  21. Amy says:

    What flavourings are you using? I find feeding my family vegetables a strain and they’ll only eat them with flavours (spices and herbs ect) What do you recommend with this?

  22. Haha, I hate it when I forget to photograph the finished dish! I’m sure it looked and tasted amazing!

  23. I am a vegetarian too and this recipe sounds delicious! I love black bean rice it really is good for you

  24. Clare Speer says:

    This looks wonderful …. and easy enough for even ME to make! 🙂

  25. Chelsea says:

    Rainbow carrots are the best and I always try to keep sweet potatoes on hand. Always looking to incorporate more veggies in my diet so this one dish meal is great!

  26. Yummy! I love how easy this is to make and healthy. I am always trying to get as many veggies as I can in my diet daily!

  27. Okay my hubby would seriously love this! He loves anything with beans in it! Haha! Thanks for linking up this week at the Welcome Home Wednesday Link Party! Can’t wait to see what you link up next week!

  28. This is my kind of quick, sinple, wholesome cooking! This is practically what I eat on most days. We are kindred cooking spirits! Thank you so much for sharing your Easy one-dish meal with us at the Healthy Happy Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I’m pinning and sharing.

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