How do you mend a broken heart?

February 18, 2025
"Love even when it means searching for your heart knowing it may cower and can be broken sometimes feeling it will mend. Knowing it will mend." My friend, Marylou Falstreau, wrote this the other day about broken hearts and it applies in so many ways. Life itself, can be...

Who has your back?

September 4, 2024
The other day I was feeling pretty low for a number of reasons. Almost immediately, Cutie positioned herself in front of me, as if to guard me. No matter where I...

A vote is not a valentine

August 27, 2024
I feel so strongly about the danger posed to democracy by what passes for a Republican Party today and our need to get out the blue vote that I'm making the...

When you don’t fit the mold

August 20, 2024
I think she is absolutely gorgeous. Sexy. Hot. But she doesn't fit the mold. All kinds of molds. And she sure looks like fun, doesn't she? Like someone I'd...

I would not give you false hope

August 14, 2024
But I would not give you false hope on this strange and mournful day.    ~Paul Simon The America that we believe ourselves to be is no longer the America that we...

Some things we should never say

August 5, 2024
There are some things we just should never say. I know how you feel. You don't. People in pain or with a complaint want to be heard. This is especially true...

How to chill the f**k out this month

August 1, 2024
It's the last official month of summer and we've had some heat, haven't we? I've counted on some tried and true methods to chill out this summer, and I'll share them...

Be you: embrace it all

July 29, 2024
This brought to mind someone I know who is very critical of everyone around him. He's got something to say about most people. When you're around someone like that,...

Summertime vibe: livin’ is easy

July 28, 2024
We're deep into summer and here's what our bloggers are up to: Rita Be aware of surveillance pricing, when a company looks at information about you and sets the...

The most important (and your final) act of kindness

July 23, 2024
It's my birthday and I can't think of any post more important today than one that promotes helping another have a rebirth. The gift of life. That is....becoming...

The important lesson current events are teaching us

July 22, 2024
The lesson is about power and how people are reluctant to give up control and influence at the highest levels, even when it's clearly for the greater good. That fine...

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Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.


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