How dangerous is Chat GPT?

February 5, 2025
Continuing where I left off with yesterday's post, in which I had asked Chat GPT to write a blog post for me: Imagine a world where all writing and the "thinking" behind it is done for you by AI /Chat GPT. That means there is no need to teach writing and all that goes with it. Things...


February 9, 2009
My California friend, Greg, did it again. He posted photos from his Dad's group, including a few of his adorable daughter, Camille.  I won't post it here for privacy...

The way I feel today.

February 9, 2009

Valentine Word Scramble

February 9, 2009
What, did you think I was just going to post the mushy stuff?No. Two posts this morning.It's Monday. Time to exercise the brain!Besides, it's...

Love is all you need

February 8, 2009
Speaking of the Beatles, Paul McCartney sang I Saw Her Standing There last night on the Grammys, and looked like he was having a blast doing it. The Beatles. Perfect...

Candy Hearts

February 8, 2009
Hundreds of years from now people of the future will find these artifacts and wonder why we ate them. They're fairly tasteless, and have the consistency of chalk....

Valentine’s Week

February 8, 2009
A whole week devoted to love, starting today.  And to kick it off, I'm posting a Valentine's day crossword.  It's not the New York Times crossword puzzle, but...

Sunday thought of the day

February 8, 2009
Love is such a pure thing.Loving with all your heart and all your soul is the ONLY way to love.And that's loving God or loving man.Or woman, should that be the...

Technology that never took off…

February 8, 2009

The Rapture: Coming Soon

February 8, 2009
My partner and I both got hit on by a nerdy Christian radio network owner last night. She was minding her own business waiting at the coffee bar for -- yes, our...

Hunter came to mind tonight

February 7, 2009
The Sixties were an era of extreme reality. I miss the smell of tear gas. I miss the fear of getting beaten." -Hunter S. Thompson, RIPFeb. 20 it'll be four years...

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