Liminal space and aging

December 2, 2024
Liminal space: the uncertain transition between where you've been and where you're going physically, emotionally, or metaphorically. We're on the threshold of our next step of life--a continuing care retirement community--and we are actually excited about it. And maybe a little nervous about...

Happiness is a choice

January 29, 2009

Interesting times

January 29, 2009
I was talking with an older woman yesterday, and she pointed out that it's important to live now. "Time," she said, "waits for no one."By the time we get to middle age...


January 29, 2009
Italia. Piemonte. Settembre. Tangible.Can't...

Empty Spaces

January 28, 2009
There's something about Brian Andreas, the way he captures deep feelings and great emotion using dialogue in a very creative way. I love words and I relate better to...

The Brits

January 27, 2009
A PETA ad's been rejected for airing during the SuperBowl because it seemed too much like porn. Veggie porn, you might say. So one of my favorite bloggers, Michael K...


January 27, 2009
You're right. I just haven't felt like writing lately. That's because I'm in an unusual space where nothing's new, and everything's new. At the same time. What's old is...

Says it all.

January 27, 2009


January 27, 2009
It's as easy to expect something fantabulous (such as a miracle) as it is to expect disaster.And a lot less...


January 26, 2009
Riley had a fun weekend of play and barking, but now it's Monday and he doesn't want to get out of bed. Neither do...


January 25, 2009

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