Peace & a mitten on every hand

November 26, 2010

My favorite holiday cards are by Curly Girl Design.

Christmas is a big deal for many of us, but one of my friends has gone all out with decorating for years.

This month, she’s downsizing to prepare for a big move. After considering her boxes and boxes of Christmas decorations for a bit, she decided to leave them behind. To let someone else enjoy them.

“This year, I’m going to put Christ back in Christmas,”
she told me.

I first moved to the San Francisco Bay area in 1984. It was just before Christmas, and I was alone in a strange place. {With only my terrible sense of direction to keep me company. }

The only tall building in the area sat off a freeway. Atop it, big letters it lit the night sky. They read PEACE ON EARTH and they served as my landmark, my beacon home in this new, strange place.

Now, 26 years later, I live less than
two miles from that building.

went up and were lit a few days ago.

The holidays are officially here.

Whether you believe in Christ or not,
peace on earth is more than words on a card.
And there is so much need in this world.

Peace, joy and a mitten on every hand are worthy goals.

What can we do this season to get the world a step further toward them?

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