Want a peaceful life?

October 19, 2017

peaceful-life How hard is it to find a peaceful life? Maybe not as hard as it seems.

It’s not necessary to watch the news every day. Or read it. Or respond to it if we do read it.

Not every nasty comment on social media must be responded to.

When someone calls a politician we know and do not love a bad name, there’s no need to pile on.

Don’t respond to negative people. Even if you agree with them. These things perpetuate the negative energy in our world today and stand in the way of achieving a peaceful life.

So instead of supporting the darkness, put some pretty color into the world.

Do something nice for yourself every single day:


Listen to calming music.

Color in an inspirational coloring book. Here’s one you might want to look at: The Women and the Hourglass coloring book pages are super-positive and inspirational. Soothing, even. I love  mine. So calming.

Read an escapist book.

Page through a magazine.

Watch a funny movie or TV show.

Play with your pets.

Take a nap.

Self-care is the key to a peaceful life and that means consuming fewer negative messages.

How about you? How do you find peace in your life? What would you add to this list?






35 comments on “Want a peaceful life?
  1. This is so wise and so true. A simple mantra to live by: Don’t feed the trolls. It’s so hard not to, sometimes.

  2. Danielle says:

    As hard as it is to do, sometimes, it really is best to disengage from negative people. My live has been much better since I learned that lesson.

  3. Wonderful ideas!

    I exercise, get outside into nature, talk with a friend, read, go to a musical at a local theatre, volunteer.

  4. Liz Mays says:

    I do think we can end up spending too much energy arguing when we could be doing more productive things. It’s easy to fall into that trap.

  5. Laurie Stone says:

    I read a lot of Eckhart Tolle who’s all about surrender. I find that soothing, somehow. I find that helps with all the negativity.

  6. Barbara says:

    You are so right, Carol. I need to do more things that contribute to my peace. This world today is such a challenge but, we need to take care of our own mental and physical well being. You are spot on. Thanks for the reminder.

  7. Donna says:


  8. It’s so nice to have a peaceful life, away from all the negativity in the world. I have stopped watching the news and reading my news feed on social media sites. There’s so much hate going on and I would rather just be kind to people and be with my children.

  9. This is so true! I think it is so counterproductive to pile on and just name call. Instead of spewing ridiculous things on social media, when I need to escape it all, I read. I read anything I can get my hands and usually things that broaden my views. It helps me understand the world from a new viewpoint, and I feel like it gives me tools to better handle the craziness of life or at least gives me peace about the things I can’t change.

  10. I walk everyday. That always helps put me in a better head space. It’s so hard not to respond to negativity sometimes, but I try my best not to.

  11. Maureen says:

    I usually find peace by not feeding into negativity. I move on, scroll passed or remove myself from the environment that’s negative. It’s not always easy but that’s how I try to find peace.

  12. Michelle Waller says:

    I have to remind myself of this all the time. I am bad about giving into negativity but I usually just listen to music or read a book.

  13. It’s so nice to just enjoy life and be at peace with everything. It’s not easy these days especially with the things that are going on in the world and our country! But it’s just so much better to enjoy spending time with the people that matter.

  14. kristi says:

    I get up a little early and enjoy some “me” time before the rest of the house wakes up. I also enjoying doing things for others, today I gifted a friend some boots that he needed for winter.

  15. Theresa says:

    I wish more people would take this advice. It’s so easy to get worked up over what a stranger says on social media, but we really should be focusing more on the positive things we can do for our fellow man each day instead of buying into all the ugliness.

  16. This is excellent advice. I try to do this as much as possible. I sure hope I can teach my girls this, as well.

  17. This is so true! I couldn’t agree more with this post! Once we learn to love our selves, we will have a more peaceful and happy life! Such a great mindset!

  18. Ave says:

    These are really great tips! I find it really hard to keep all the negativity away. Have to train my brain to let it go and pay more attention to positive things in life.

  19. Rebecca Swenor says:

    This is a great list of things to do for a more peaceful life. It is so important to take a few minutes for yourself every day to reboot. I usually walk the dog to relax or take a hot bath. Thanks for sharing the list.

  20. Kelly Reci says:

    Having a peaceful life is such a great feeling for us. Very well written. Glad you shared this list of things to do more peaceful life.

  21. Kiwi says:

    Easier said than done but it can be done. Stay away from negative people and meditating more will make life so much better.

  22. Hi Carol ~ I just popped on over from Laura Lee Carter’s post. Your thoughts here are spot on! A friend of mine gave me a new strategy for social media. She will look through her Facebook account until she runs across something negative. At that exact point, she leaves FB and moves on to something more positive like Instagram or Pinterest. Just stop looking at the negative! I have taken to the judicious use of the “Unfollow” button on FB for those folks who insist on posting negativity. Consequently, my FB feed is somewhat reduced to a collection of meditation and yoga posts, advertisements and puppies! Not a bad deal! Have a lovely day! ~ Lynn

  23. Klaudia says:

    Staying away from negative people has done a lot for my peace of mind. Although I find it hard to avoid negative people as they seem to be getting more and more. People nowadays moan and whinge and envy too much, instead of looking for positive things to enjoy.

  24. Herlina Kwee says:

    Do a digital detox. Go hiking. Volunteer. Play with the babies at church. Help touching paintings to be sent to hospitals all over the world to help inspire and brighten their space.

  25. Em Linthorpe says:

    Great reminder, I always do my best to step right away from negativity. It is no good for the soul. I still need to work a bit harder on the self care though!

  26. Elizabeth o says:

    Very well written. Having a peaceful life is so great and fulfilling. And this list you shared is so helpful for having more peacefuk life.

  27. Tony says:

    I have only recently begun to practice the art of ignoring negative people online. It’s difficult, but I’ve also begun to make it a habit to find the good, or at least not dwell on the bad. Complaining or grumbling is pointless and doesn’t improve anything, something I’m trying to teach my kids right now.

    It makes me want to complain, but I won’t 🙂

  28. CynOptix says:

    I distance myself from people and media that churn negativity to look at the Sky—constant yet ever-changing cloud shapes, colours, lights rising, twinkling, setting—above the smallness of Humans and insignificance of negativity traps set to engage us in the imbroglio. Sky corrects my perspective. Discord is diminished, sometimes it entirely vanishes. Delete is a powerful key.

  29. Grace says:

    This is so true. It is always best to remove negativity from your life.

  30. Emma says:

    Amazing article, I find I get on top of things, but the megativity slowly creeps back – thanks for tips to get back on track.

  31. For the most part, I stay away from the negative but I don’t want to shut off completely from what is happening. I feel that it’s important to be part of the conversation to create change for the better. But I do walk outside every day and spend time with dogs. It keeps me sane.

  32. Edward James says:

    First of all thanks Carol for sharing this such a beautiful and informative post.
    You explained each and everything so easily.I will try to spread to your message to others..

  33. Meltblogs says:

    Life is not as much as hard the way we make it. Great tips on peaceful life. Thank you.

  34. mahasvara says:

    The negative messages can also be our balancing path to create a piece of mind and soul and ultimately becoming us a better person.

  35. kiwi aryan says:

    great article and loved the website.

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  1. […] times. We need this. So badly. So I thought it only fitting to close with these simple ideas for a more peaceful life in troubled […]

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