Pepper sprouts, fever, relationship & boots

May 7, 2009

I was thinking this morning that being in a bad relationship is like running a high fever. You sweat, you toss and turn, you’re delirious. You have wild, fever dreams. And then, after a while, the fever breaks. In an instant.

After that, you’re miraculously normal.

You’d think the first thing that would come to mind is the Peggy Lee classic, “Fever.”

But no.

I immediately thought of that awful Nancy Sinatra/Lee Hazelwood song, “Jackson”. You know, “We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout.”

What IS a pepper sprout? And what’s it doing in a song about marriage?

I don’t know what part of this video flash from the past I like best. The way they sing as they walk down a country path, like it’s the most normal thing in the world? or the complete monotone of the vocals? Or the blank looks on their faces while they attempt to emote? The anachronistic hair and outfit? Or is it that the lyricist is forced to use “go ahead and wreck your health” in the song, just to get the rhyme? (Some parts of the 1960s simply do not stand the test of time.)

No. It’s her boots.

I am sure every leather boot fetishist in the world is a Nancy Sinatra fan.

These lyrics are pretty bad. Godawful bad.

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