Whenever I write a post like this, reader response falls in four categories:
Those to whom it doesn’t matter.
Those who agree wholeheartedly.
Those who disagree, with logical reasons or not.
And bloggers who are certain I am writing about them.
So, to set the record straight: I am not writing about anyone. I read at least 200 blogs a week–or more and my impressions are ALWAYS in the aggregate. The questions I pose are my own and not directed to any one person.
The puzzle of Pinterest
I love Pinterest as a scrapbook/notebook: a place to stash things I’d like to refer to later. Recipes, travel ideas, inspirations, how-to-do something or other creative ideas fall in that category. So do super-well-crafted pieces that give me enjoyment. I like a good turn of a phrase and will often go back to pieces that strike me.
Pinterest is hot right now. Twitter used to be all the rage, something that also puzzled me. I simply do not have time to sit in front of my Twitter stream and converse in short bursts and don’t know how people do it. But today, Pinterest is said to be a big way bloggers get traffic to their blogs.Now, I don’t see how that can be true–except selectively. It can’t be true across the board. That’s because I belong to several Pin-exchange groups and I see dozens upon dozens of posts bloggers want pinned that are not at all pin-worthy and certainly do not inspire me to want to read more posts by that blogger.
They might be someone’s thoughts about their kids, their mothers, their friends. Yeah, nice to read once, maybe, but is it a universal? Or something I want to refer to later? Probably not. Maybe once in a great while a really well-written piece on a subject I don’t usually follow would be interesting enough for me to want to scrapbook it on Pinterest. But not that often.
I’m looking at my own last dozen blog posts and I see very few that even I would be interested in Pinning to my own board. I mean, nice to read once and then on to the next thing. I don’t have a problem with that, either because I don’t believe that every word I write is worthy of living forever in the minds of readers. Or on their Pinterest boards.
As a marketing professional I often had to explain to clients why some of their “great ideas” would not appeal to their target customers and therefore would not be worth the time spent on them. I’m seeing a lot of ideas like that being pinned in these link exchanges.
At the end of the year I saw scores of posts in which bloggers listed and talked about their top posts of the year–the ones that had the most readership. It is a mystery to me why anyone would think that is universally pinnable. It’s just not a pinnable post for anyone except bloggers looking for topics that might get bigger readership.
Which brings me to my secret suspicion: that bloggers are actually just blogging for one another. That we are the audience for each other’s posts in a closed loop and that real value is not being created or sent out into the larger world.
And then there are time-limited posts. Coupons, giveaways and the like. If a post is not evergreen, if it is short-lived, like a giveaway, why would I want to see it again? And why on earth would I want it to take up space on my Pinterest scrapbook for time immemorial?
Venturing into video and puttering around Periscope
I’ve wondered here before about who has time to view videos or even live streams of anything today–kittens, comedy or discussions. I just don’t see how the audience for some of these video and live-video conferencing can be more than miniscule. Which gives it a diminishing return for the blogger or presenter. Sure, there are how-to video conferences that are well-attended and I see their value. But where do people find the time to Zoom or Periscope? Can the audience for most of these be more than a few people? Is the only audience other bloggers? Is EVERYONE online now a blogger?
These are questions that go through my mind in the pre-dawn hours of the day.
Something for everyone
The most interesting thing about the internet is that there really is something for everyone and I think that’s cool. At the same time, trying to weed through all of these offerings is overwhelming and time consuming. As with most new things, there’s a big hullabaloo and bandwagon to jump on at first, and over time things usually do settle down.
Those who know how to put together and define a Pinterest-worthy post or an offer of value will do well and those who are stumbling around without anything of real value to offer will drop out in the long run. In the mean time, a lot of time is wasted: that of the presenters who really don’t know how to develop a good product and that of potential audiences who are stumbling around trying to find something helpful.
I recently took a few weeks off from participating in this fray as I mourned the loss of loved one. I did miss some of the blogs I regularly read and am glad to see them again. I didn’t, however, miss posting in most big link exchanges or the vacuous blog comments from other big link group participants who clearly hadn’t read my post and only commented because it was required for them to get my own comment on their posts. Don’t get me wrong: all commenters are not like this. In fact, many of my regular commenters have something interesting or supportive or provocative to say. I love THAT and adore THEM. I just don’t like the empty comments that are just made to meet an obligation.
I can see that my time is more valuable than I’ve been treating it. There really is a point of diminishing returns for me and I think I’ve found it.
The difference between me and some other bloggers (maybe many bloggers) is that my blog is my outlet for thoughts and my indulgence. It’s not my money-maker. I don’t need or want to get famous from it. It’s the place I come when I have something to say and when I want to foment discussion, which is my very favorite part of blogging. I love when regular readers weigh in and I happen to think I have some of the smartest readers in the blogosphere. Not to mention having met some really cool people via this blog.
So for me, well, I can use these social media outlets selectively. That might not be true for those who make a living from their blogs.
But back to Pinterest. And Twitter. And Periscope, Zoom and everything else that’s “trending” now. I really would like to hear from you–blogger or not– on those burning subjects.
I’ve often wondered about the closed loop theory. I guess as the loop grows it is more traffic, but it still seems like it is limiting our reach. Granted though the built in traffic is great.
But I keep wondering what it really means. Unless you absolutely have to have traffic for advertisers–and even then, is anyone paying attention? Is there really any value for the brand?
I know what you mean, I think Pinterest is more for bloggers too. Twitter is just links to other content it seems and Facebook is a little of both. Instagram has everything – that’s why it’s my fav!
currently in a pinterest academy trying to up my game. i have always just used it personally and never tried to get traffic from it. i love all types of social media, but i do wonder about your closed loop theory. are the only people reading blogs other bloggers?
The amount of social media sharing options nowadays is staggering—and confusing. I hate Twitter, but feel it is a necessary evil for writers who need to promote their work. Same goes for Pinterest, but apparently that’s the way to go now. I agree with what you say—-I have the feeling that the pinning of numerous blog posts (I’m guilty) are just for the benefit of other bloggers to share. Honestly, the only stuff I pin are recipes and landscaping ideas.
It’s funny because I wrote from a similar viewpoint last week – I had been bullied and hassled trying to keep up with a group who were gung-ho about trying to grow their blogs and attract sponsors and make money. I just realized that isn’t what I want – I want to write and share thoughts and enjoy this as a hobby. Pinterest is fabulous for me to cyber hoard but I very rarely use it to read other blogs. And I can tell you now that I am NOT looking forward to the facebook live thingie where every woman and her dog is going to be talking at me when I log on in the morning! Great post Carol 🙂
OK! Here we go…
Pinterest: I like Pinterest, I like to pin things that I want to view at a later date, often, probably too often. For the FB groups, I have 1 board dedicated to them and they all land there.
Twitter: Never got Twitter and I don’t like to read it, although that is where my largest following is.
Periscope: Went to a Blogging convention and they had a whole segment on how Periscope was all the rage. I did it at first for a couple of weeks and had people (100’s) listening to me talk about nothing…I don’t do it anymore. I just don’t have time to waste like that.
Zoom: Never heard of it!
Great post, Carol!
Don’t quite understand Pinterest but I am addicted to beautiful things and sweets. This year I have taken steps to learn how to get traffic from Pins. Thanks!
I completely agree with you on the Pinterest issue. I see so many bloggers that are just desperate to get their views and followers up that they will pin just about anything on Pinterest, and of course most folks will not re-pin those posts – WHY would they??
From my perspective, yes, it seems that bloggers are blogging for other bloggers. It also begs the question, do others really go out into the blogging world to find what they want or need anymore? I’ve stepped back a bit…just for the mere fact that it seems like I’m just spinning and nothing seems to get sprayed outside of that circle. So I’m re-evaluating. I also put great thought and effort into my posts…and it disappoints me to get roped into reading others that clearly don’t do the same. I initially just started doing this to learn new skills. I could write a dissertation on all this…blah blah blah…but I’ll stop now. hahaha…
I started with Pinterest when it began. I thought it was a great place to share my photography. I soon discovered it was a great way to have my photography taken without my permission and dropped out. A long while later, as it became more popular, I decided to give it another try. I, of course, forgot my password and try as I might I have never been able to get back in. I took it as a sign.
I don’t enjoy video chats/ periscope whatever/ group chats or linky parties. Linky parties, just saying it makes me laugh.
I prefer to read and really prefer good writing. I try to blog when I feel I have something worthwhile to share and I’ve never followed a strict schedule. I’ve never made a dime from my blog but, I wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to pay me as long as I had editorial control.
My twitter acct. has grown, much to my surprise because I really don’t do a damn thing with it other than share my blog posts or someone else’s if I like it. How anyone can have a ‘conversation’ on twitter is beyond me.
I’m hoping to make money from my books. I do submit to sites that offer to pay for content but, I’ve not had a submission accepted yet. I’ll keep trying.
I liked your post very much. Didn’t mean to leave my own little rant.
I must admit to not missing blogging much while I have been in a self imposed sabbatical. I missed the connection, but not the scurry. Posting and reposting, getting the word out. There is so much more to life. I read the blogs from writers I like. Period. But I cross post to many venues to reach out to readers that don’t know me. Twitter has been good to me, as has FB and LinkedIn. Pinterest is not something I work with, but I am there and totally engage in a fun sort of way. I hope you’re wrong…I hope bloggers DON’T just write for each other. There is so much content out there, some of it quite good. Much of it not so much. Videos and streaming? No, I don’t waste much time on it. I have better things to do; like walk my dog, read a book, have a conversation or take an afternoon nap. Maybe I should tweet that.
Your post is so timely, Carol, because I’ve been pondering the same thing. I do feel sometimes like this whole social media promotional thing is a giant circle jerk among bloggers. Granted, there are some fabulous writers out there whose work inspires, entertains and provokes me–and for that I’m grateful. And I’m thrilled whenever anyone takes the time to read my blog and engage with me. But there are days I feel as if I’m just chasing my tail. I don’t have any answers, and I’m trying hard to pace myself because it’s such a giant time suck. Thanks for putting this out there, and for the opportunity to add my two cents!
This whole thread makes me sigh with huge relief. It’s not just me. I quit my paying day job to write at home for free, and I feel like I’m just spending more time on social media, instead of writing. I’ve decided to narrow my focus to Facebook (still King of the Hill) and Twitter (although I only use it RT posts from other writers I love). I’ve never actually tweeted anything. I’m a writer. I can’t speak in 140 characters. I’m dabbling in Pinterest, but I feel like it’s for bloggers and to bloggers, so… At this point, I ‘m dedicated to building a following on my blog, hopefully to sell books and get speaking engagements. I don’t see Pinterest getting me there. As for Instagram, Periscope, group chats, linky parties… I just can’t.
This kind of thing has been on my mind for a few months. All the blogging, pinning, posting social media this and that seems we all are just doing it for one another. I want authenticity. I want people to read my blog who really want to read my blog. I want pins from people who sincerely appreciate why I share what I do.
But… we all do what we must to survive in this space. So I keep right on doing it. (And not as well, not as successfully as most. Meh…)
I am sorry to hear about the death of your loved one hope you are and here if you need to talk x As for Pinterest I used it exclusively as a hobby platform and don’t understand how people are using it to drive traffic to their blogs. As for Twitter I am new to it but I really hope that they increase the word limit because I always have so much to say and 140 characters is not enough!
Here we all are, in the Orwellian loop, blogging about blogging. Very funny! In my opinion, blogging has less and less to do with organic writing and more and more in common with the real estate business. Many bloggers are successful because of cronyism and slimy self-promotion. Regarding Pinterest, I saw a Pinterest executive speak a couple of weeks ago and he stated that the next Anna Wintour will be borne out of the Pinterest community. I’m not sure what exactly he meant. Maybe that those users with giant followings (influencers) will have the power once wielded only by big magazine editors.
I keep polling my readers. Very few of them are bloggers. When I try co-hosting a link party on my site, it falls flat. Very few bloggers read my stuff.
However, I like Pinterest and I do well with it. It’s my #1 source of traffic.
This phrase of yours struck me: “audiences who are stumbling around trying to find something helpful”.
I think that unless I am offering something of real value, there is absolutely no point in me, or anyone, pinning it.
And that’s the question that I pose myself, often: how does what I’m writing meet a felt need in my audience.
Unless people OTHER THAN BLOGGERS are finding and reading my content, it is a closed loop, and will remain so.
Whether it’s helping someone find a nice recipe that will please the reader and his/her family or friends, or whether it’s an insight that will help the reader connect with his/her Creator, or help them gain insight into their own life: I’d better be producing content that meets felt needs. Or why bother?
And the only reason for pinning content that is giveaway nature but has expired, is if I offer something helpful or educational within it, or if I need it for a resumé, to connect with a brand, to show the caliber of work I’ve already produced.
I’m a Pinterest queen and I love it. But it is definitely different strokes for different folks. I’m visually stimulated (ooh that sounds naughty) and I can spend hours looking at pretty images.
My theory is that while people are hunting around for the latest crock pot recipe, they might see a post of mine that catches their eye. They click for a quick read and then go back to whatever they were doing. Sometimes they like what I write and stick around.
I do, however, write about sex and relationships which is universally appealing. And I pin to boards that have a general audience, not just bloggers loving bloggers. I agree that no one really pins consumable blog content for later, which is why I am happy with low repins and high click stats.
It’s working for me because my page views are up, as are my subscriptions. I frequently get emails from people saying they found me on Pinterest. And I enjoy it immensely – which is really the only that makes it worthwhile.
I’ve had a lot of the same thoughts as you. I haven’t been blogging long, and I’m still stumbling along, learning as I go. When I started, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I didn’t start out to make money, and still don’t blog for that reason. I mean, sure, someday if someone wants to throw some money my way (I can’t even imagine that), then sure. But I’ll hang onto my day job, thanks. I don’t have any illusions that I’m even remotely in a class of writer that deserves to be paid. One thing I was surprised to discover is that a lot of bloggers seem to blog for other bloggers. I’d always thought that bloggers blogged for a wide readership of, well, not-bloggers! And I reckon some do.
As far as social media goes? I’m old. I was around when rotary phones were a thing and computers were the size of a Greyhound bus. I do the Twitter thing, but not well. I enjoy it to an extent, but when I start to feel the panic set in, I unplug. Pinterest is something that I’m just now getting into. I still don’t really “get” it, but I’ve “upped my Pinterest game” a bit through Elena Peters’ Pintastic, and I have gotten some traffic from it. But I don’t feel that a great majority of my things are “pinworthy”. Maybe some of my recipes, sure.
As for the rest of social media? I don’t have the time. It troubles me when I read articles, written by bloggers about blogging, that claim only 10% of your time should be spent on writing, while the other 90% should be spent on promoting. I started blogging because I love to write. I’m not a PR person. So my blog is growing slowly, but I’d rather that, with a small, sincere following, than anything else. Like I said before, I’m old. I’ve learned patience! I’ll take what I have, and I’m very, very happy with it.
AMEN! Is it ok if I AMEN on your blog? haha! I am not blogging for bloggers. I want a larger audience. I don’t really know who, but I know they are women. It may be a BIG audience or small. But it is not just for bloggers. 🙂
I don’t quite get pinterest yet and how it will help my blog? I mean I think my stuff is worthy of pinning, but I usually see recipes and stuff pinned…not MY kind of writing.
Anyhow.. Great questions. 🙂 And yes…I wish there were more conversations on blogs…but people don’t leave much more than great post, or good tips. 🙂
I never really cared about pinterest until I started seeing recipes that I liked and clothes that I like, and so on and so forth. I never thought about growing my traffic or my followers before, you know? It was more of a… “I want this recipe for later!!” type of thing. Now I appreciate that people are following me and pinning what I also like from my pins, it’s a nice platform for cultivating and sharing interests.
I also agree with you on this issue. So many bloggers are addicted to pinning just about anything. What puzzles me is their followers will repin those posts. Of course, there are photos worth repinning, but do you really have to repin everything?
Pinterest is my number one traffic driver, but I also spend a lot of time on Pinterest, both pinning my things and pinning other people’s pins. I spend varying degrees of time with my other social media like Facebook and Twitter, but not as much time as Pinterest—-and I guess that shows in my traffic.
I decided a year ago that spending the time doing the social media blitz was not worth the effort in trying to increase readership. Somehow I have garnered a nice following of actual readers, not just bloggers, and continue to write to the ‘universe’ because I couldn’t even begin to speak with authority on what makes my boat float above any other blogger. But- I do read you and not just because I’m returning a favor.
pinterest is very baffling to me because i have written about similar things that for other people go viral and for me just goes no where. i have no idea how things get popular on pinterest but i have gotten less than 10 clicks from pinterest ever
Some very good points. I hate the short stories on Twitter. Sometimes seems useless. Pinterest is awesome yet you will come across those giveaways, etc that are expired and don’t want to see those. Sometime it does feel like bloggers supporting bloggers and things aren’t actually get out the world. But at least we try and sometimes it actually makes it farther than we think.
I do think most blogs are read by bloggers but I think Pinterest has a lot to offer everyone. Anything you might what to make, do, or go, you will find on Pinterest.
Wow. I couldn’t agree with you more. Because my blog wasn’t intended to make money either, I sometimes wonder why I need to promote, promote, promote. I use Pinterest primarily for recipes. Periscope? Videos? Vlogging? No interest.
Look at all of these comments! Obviously your post hit the mark with a lot of folks and with me as well. I also do not “blog for money” or else I would be very hungry and wearing bread sacks on my feet. 🙂 I blog because I love it, I love the ability to get my words written down and the ability to share those with folks that might be interested but do I think my blog is for everyone? Absolutely not. And do I think my posts are Pinterest worthy? Mostly not. And I am fine with that. I use Pinterest for ideas and inspiration but not for promoting my blog. Great post! Thanks!
You touched on several issues in this post, albeit you titled it “Pinterest.” Many of your questions are ones that I have also been pondering. Re Pinterest, I use it and have been for some time – not for traffic but to look at pretty things. More recently, through the automated publishing on my blog, my posts are not pinned to a board. I have noticed my audience there gradually growing, without any real or direct attempt on my part. And that is just about it for me. As to the “loop,” that has been on my mind as well – that these groups are mostly “incestuous” so to speak. Like you, I have gotten quite tired of reading posts that are actually not relevant to me but have to read as that is the agreement entered into. It really peeves me to have others from these groups visit my blog, read the first line and make irrelevant and totally off topic comments!!! I am just about done with being in these groups as the work is more than the reward. Which brings me to one of your other questions, why am I blogging? I most certainly am not doing so to make money. I am doing so to share stories and a message – not to proselytize as some do – but to help even one a day who might be thinking she is alone on a particular journey. Do I need traffic for that to reach her? Yes, but not to the magnitude that others need. I most certainly will not be doing sponsored posts on adult pampers that I hope never to wear. I am not in this for the money either. I have a day job and intend to keep it that way. Bloggin, Pinterest, Twitter (where I do have a great following, interactive and growing and does not require me to post every second) and Facebook are fun activities for me. If I make some money from any or all of them one day – hooray, so be it. So for the epistle. 🙂
I love love love Pinterest. When I can’t sleep at night due to back pain, I pin. They’ve featured me several times which I think is really cool. Periscope on the other hand does not interest me in the lease.
I’m not on Pinterest so I can’t say I’ve experienced this. I’m not a blogger either so I haven’t experienced most of these things. But I do enjoy reading your experiences.
Well, you surely got some great comments above. I read them all!
I rarely put my blog posts out in a blogger thread to share because don’t find most of the stuff I’m asked to “comment on” in return interesting to me. If I read another Top 10 list or poop-it-out post from someone I think I’ll jump. Okay, that sounds mean, which is why I don’t join the blogger sharing threads much at all anymore. And I should just keep quiet.
I love Instagram because that’s where I find/follow people with lives that intrigue me and people who share interests that are similar to mine.
FB is a time suck for me. Big time.
Pinterest? Yeah, it’s the BIG THING. It mostly leaves me cold because of the time involved in searching/finding/clicking to find the original source, which is (see complaint #1 above) often not detailed enough for what I’m searching for.
Twitter? I use it, but it feels more like one big advertisement these days. Too many “commercials.”
You hit a nerve with many of us.
I tried live streaming once, just once. It’s definitely not for me! I have no patience to do that kind of thing. I much prefer the editing of everything later. 🙂
I like Pinterest for recipes and crafts as those are definitely things I’d return to later, but most blog content isn’t long term pinnable as you mentioned.
And I hear you on the support threads as it’s definitely a mixed bag, and there’s no way around the fact that much of what you read isn’t something you’d normally read. That’s part and parcel of it though. What bothers me is that many of the people who complain about the comments they receive give empty comments themselves…
I haven’t really been too into Pinterest. I used to love it for repinning recipes etc but I haven’t really done much with it for my blog. Must work on that.
I get pretty much zero traffic from Pinterest on my blog. In my experience running a website, the hottest topics are fashion and recipes, and mostly it’s about something exploding and becoming “evergreen.” Pinterest is about looking at images and finding stuff to do, make, cook or buy, not to read.
I’ve been blogging for 4 1/2 years and by far my biggest traffic source is subscribers. Close behind that is organic search and following that is Facebook.
What I think – as far as my blog goes – is that most of the people who comment are bloggers, but there are many more readers who never say a word. If you think about it, it takes a lot of nerve to leave a comment on a blog, or anywhere online for that matter. We are used to it, but most people are not.
First, I love Carol Cassara and some of her words ring true for me some don’t. I am not a writer, I am a blogger. I do it for the $$ and the fun. I write sponsored posts, Evergreen giveaways (where the giveaway is removed once over, but the review/topic remains), company features (where they give me the content and I just post it), run 30+ blogger blog campaigns for networks and companies, and produce original content (outfit posts, lifestyle posts) . I have to figure out how to make most of social media work for me as that is one of the factors in getting chosen and paid.
I don’t write for other bloggers/writers. I write for women over 45. That being said, sometimes I need the support of my other blogger/writer friends to get a post going or socialized etc. But I attempt to pursue the reader (blogger or not). I have been blogging for 6 years. Most of my comments come from long time sweeper readers, readers (new and old) and new sweepers. But over time, the sweepers have stayed. And we chat back and forth.
I don’t disagree with Carol about some of my works only being seen by bloggers but I don’t write with that intention. I constantly strive to build an overall audience. Yet bloggers/writers are people, readers, and pageviews as well so I don’t minimize anything.
In regards to Pinterest, it is in my top 10 traffic paths. They say whatever is in your top ten, that’s what you should focus on and then let the rest fall to the wayside. So I do. I actually just starting using a spreadsheet again today that I was using ages ago, that has each post and what I have done to socialize that post. Some things I will do very little, other things I will socialize every aspect of it.
Also, with Pinterest, you have to play the game. Make Pins that have pinnable images, the right size, etc. Of course, recipes and crafts are the most pinned but it’s possible to get creative (with an inspirational quote for example) and get other things pinned as well (and hopefully some pageviews). Here is an example. I wrote an evergreen article on skin cancer awareness month. I made simple pins. This pin had 115 repins. http://stillblondeafteralltheseyears.com/…/skin-cancer…/ and I pinned it to this board of quotes which has 9300 followers. https://www.pinterest.com/stillblondeaaty/quotes/ Is it getting me blog traffic? Not sure, but pinterest is in my top 10 for traffic so…you just have to keep working it.
I think you just have to decide how you want to “Feed the Pig”! It’s a constant constant game of working to maximize pageviews while providing readers content they will return for (or come to once). Goal setting helps (I want this many pageviews, this many followers on Pinterest, etc) but unless I become the Bloggess over night (followed by millions) then I know I am just going to have to keep at it, in the way I already am.
An interesting topic and one that I struggle with as a blogger too. I blog for the fun and enjoyment of sharing my transformation journey during my life after 50. I get satisfaction when my readers are inspired by something I shared or a product I found that they didn’t know about or an idea that they didn’t think about at this point in their life. It’s not about the money for me, but it is nice when I do get approached for a sponsored post. I agree with Sharon, I don’t get many comments but I hear from my readers via email. I’ve been blogging for many years and focus on quality versus quantity of readership, posts, social share, and sponsorship. I don’t use Pinterest or even Instagram that much as I’m not an image focused blog, my writing is where I’m at. I think if you come across as authentic and true to yourself others will want to read and follow your blog. Glad to know that others struggle with this issue too.
I confess I mostly consider myself a storyteller by nature, and I haven’t felt the importance of pinning most of what I post because, frankly, is someone LOOKING for it? If it is a recipe or a how-to, of course.
But I have never gone to Pinterest looking for a story.
I look for a crock pot recipe, a Valentine craft, a “how to treat a MRSA infection” (and there is a post I should write). I’ve read Katie’s posts on how our type of writing IS Pinnable and I’m intrigued, but so far, I just don’t see much traffic from there.
I get the most new reader hits when blogger friends sharing my posts on Facebook, to be honest.
Dear Carol, As you know my endeavor in blogging has been a bit disjointed, so I’m coming at this from a complete amateur perspective. I want to say first and foremost that I admire your diligence in your blogging. The topics are always fresh and zingy (yes, zingy!) and I always come away with some food for thought. Also, I am continually in your debt for your honest and well put response in my request for feedback a few years ago. It still means a lot to me. NOW, as for the questions posed, As a new blogger, I did often feel like it was some kind of club to which I was a late comer. I promise that I don’t mean that in a snarky way, different forums were lovely to allow me to participate. I often felt that there was a lot of posting for postings sake with many “link-ups” and other terminology that I can’t recall, let alone figure out the ins and outs of. I too wondered (often) if we were all just reading posts from within said club, and when would they ever make it beyond the local blogosphere? The concept of making money at it was beyond imaginable to me. How do people do that anyway? Over recent months I began using INSTAGRAM, and found a lovely world of bloggers outside the box. I don’t expect them to read my stuff, as in the beginning, my posts are mostly for friends and family members. If anything else comes of it, well that would just be a huge surprise! I have never once used Pinterest to read blogs, I don’t think of it that way. Once I found Instagram I pretty much halted my pinning on Pinterest. The method of scrolling through the sites I love (usually home renov. painting, gardening..) is much easier for me and more quick. I don’t want to spend my time at the computer screen, I want to be out there doing those things! Keep up the good work Carol, you’ve found a rhythm to writing and living a full life. I enjoy following you! PS, Post to Instagram, your feed is empty 🙂
I agree with you about “bloggers blogging for each other”. We use Pinterest for our marketing but it doesn’t get us anywhere most of the time – just a presence. I personally only use Pinterest to look for hairstyles, nail designs and wedding things haha
I’m new to the blogging atmosphere and posting my link in groups but I have to say there are times when I really think the same thing. That we are all just blogging to each other and no one else. But I guess if someone’s reading it doesn’t matter your audience. All you can hope for is that maybe you posted something relevant enough to get someone to start thinking.
I’d love to get in periscope but my phone doesn’t support it yet. I do think that a blogger’s main audience is other bloggers. It’s sometimes hard to make that transition into the “real world”.
Thanks for writing about me! Just teasing…I appreciate the details, as I know I’m one who has just not even begun to maximize my Pinterest account as well as I could.
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
I’ve often wondered about the closed loop theory. I guess as the loop grows it is more traffic, but it still seems like it is limiting our reach. Granted though the built in traffic is great.
But I keep wondering what it really means. Unless you absolutely have to have traffic for advertisers–and even then, is anyone paying attention? Is there really any value for the brand?
I have really been trying to up my Pinterest game lately. It’s definitely where it’s at.
I know what you mean, I think Pinterest is more for bloggers too. Twitter is just links to other content it seems and Facebook is a little of both. Instagram has everything – that’s why it’s my fav!
currently in a pinterest academy trying to up my game. i have always just used it personally and never tried to get traffic from it. i love all types of social media, but i do wonder about your closed loop theory. are the only people reading blogs other bloggers?
The amount of social media sharing options nowadays is staggering—and confusing. I hate Twitter, but feel it is a necessary evil for writers who need to promote their work. Same goes for Pinterest, but apparently that’s the way to go now. I agree with what you say—-I have the feeling that the pinning of numerous blog posts (I’m guilty) are just for the benefit of other bloggers to share. Honestly, the only stuff I pin are recipes and landscaping ideas.
I just wonder who on earth is listening to Twitter all day?
the orange man. 😉
It’s funny because I wrote from a similar viewpoint last week – I had been bullied and hassled trying to keep up with a group who were gung-ho about trying to grow their blogs and attract sponsors and make money. I just realized that isn’t what I want – I want to write and share thoughts and enjoy this as a hobby. Pinterest is fabulous for me to cyber hoard but I very rarely use it to read other blogs. And I can tell you now that I am NOT looking forward to the facebook live thingie where every woman and her dog is going to be talking at me when I log on in the morning! Great post Carol 🙂
Oh no! I’m sorry to hear you had that experience. Facebook live scares me, too!
OK! Here we go…
Pinterest: I like Pinterest, I like to pin things that I want to view at a later date, often, probably too often. For the FB groups, I have 1 board dedicated to them and they all land there.
Twitter: Never got Twitter and I don’t like to read it, although that is where my largest following is.
Periscope: Went to a Blogging convention and they had a whole segment on how Periscope was all the rage. I did it at first for a couple of weeks and had people (100’s) listening to me talk about nothing…I don’t do it anymore. I just don’t have time to waste like that.
Zoom: Never heard of it!
Great post, Carol!
Don’t quite understand Pinterest but I am addicted to beautiful things and sweets. This year I have taken steps to learn how to get traffic from Pins. Thanks!
I completely agree with you on the Pinterest issue. I see so many bloggers that are just desperate to get their views and followers up that they will pin just about anything on Pinterest, and of course most folks will not re-pin those posts – WHY would they??
I haven’t gotten on the Pinterest bandwagon same for Twitter I also don’t get the point of twitter
From my perspective, yes, it seems that bloggers are blogging for other bloggers. It also begs the question, do others really go out into the blogging world to find what they want or need anymore? I’ve stepped back a bit…just for the mere fact that it seems like I’m just spinning and nothing seems to get sprayed outside of that circle. So I’m re-evaluating. I also put great thought and effort into my posts…and it disappoints me to get roped into reading others that clearly don’t do the same. I initially just started doing this to learn new skills. I could write a dissertation on all this…blah blah blah…but I’ll stop now. hahaha…
I started with Pinterest when it began. I thought it was a great place to share my photography. I soon discovered it was a great way to have my photography taken without my permission and dropped out. A long while later, as it became more popular, I decided to give it another try. I, of course, forgot my password and try as I might I have never been able to get back in. I took it as a sign.
I don’t enjoy video chats/ periscope whatever/ group chats or linky parties. Linky parties, just saying it makes me laugh.
I prefer to read and really prefer good writing. I try to blog when I feel I have something worthwhile to share and I’ve never followed a strict schedule. I’ve never made a dime from my blog but, I wouldn’t mind if someone wanted to pay me as long as I had editorial control.
My twitter acct. has grown, much to my surprise because I really don’t do a damn thing with it other than share my blog posts or someone else’s if I like it. How anyone can have a ‘conversation’ on twitter is beyond me.
I’m hoping to make money from my books. I do submit to sites that offer to pay for content but, I’ve not had a submission accepted yet. I’ll keep trying.
I liked your post very much. Didn’t mean to leave my own little rant.
I must admit to not missing blogging much while I have been in a self imposed sabbatical. I missed the connection, but not the scurry. Posting and reposting, getting the word out. There is so much more to life. I read the blogs from writers I like. Period. But I cross post to many venues to reach out to readers that don’t know me. Twitter has been good to me, as has FB and LinkedIn. Pinterest is not something I work with, but I am there and totally engage in a fun sort of way. I hope you’re wrong…I hope bloggers DON’T just write for each other. There is so much content out there, some of it quite good. Much of it not so much. Videos and streaming? No, I don’t waste much time on it. I have better things to do; like walk my dog, read a book, have a conversation or take an afternoon nap. Maybe I should tweet that.
Your post is so timely, Carol, because I’ve been pondering the same thing. I do feel sometimes like this whole social media promotional thing is a giant circle jerk among bloggers. Granted, there are some fabulous writers out there whose work inspires, entertains and provokes me–and for that I’m grateful. And I’m thrilled whenever anyone takes the time to read my blog and engage with me. But there are days I feel as if I’m just chasing my tail. I don’t have any answers, and I’m trying hard to pace myself because it’s such a giant time suck. Thanks for putting this out there, and for the opportunity to add my two cents!
This whole thread makes me sigh with huge relief. It’s not just me. I quit my paying day job to write at home for free, and I feel like I’m just spending more time on social media, instead of writing. I’ve decided to narrow my focus to Facebook (still King of the Hill) and Twitter (although I only use it RT posts from other writers I love). I’ve never actually tweeted anything. I’m a writer. I can’t speak in 140 characters. I’m dabbling in Pinterest, but I feel like it’s for bloggers and to bloggers, so… At this point, I ‘m dedicated to building a following on my blog, hopefully to sell books and get speaking engagements. I don’t see Pinterest getting me there. As for Instagram, Periscope, group chats, linky parties… I just can’t.
This kind of thing has been on my mind for a few months. All the blogging, pinning, posting social media this and that seems we all are just doing it for one another. I want authenticity. I want people to read my blog who really want to read my blog. I want pins from people who sincerely appreciate why I share what I do.
But… we all do what we must to survive in this space. So I keep right on doing it. (And not as well, not as successfully as most. Meh…)
I am sorry to hear about the death of your loved one hope you are and here if you need to talk x As for Pinterest I used it exclusively as a hobby platform and don’t understand how people are using it to drive traffic to their blogs. As for Twitter I am new to it but I really hope that they increase the word limit because I always have so much to say and 140 characters is not enough!
I like Instagram! Some of the photos are just amazing!
Here we all are, in the Orwellian loop, blogging about blogging. Very funny! In my opinion, blogging has less and less to do with organic writing and more and more in common with the real estate business. Many bloggers are successful because of cronyism and slimy self-promotion. Regarding Pinterest, I saw a Pinterest executive speak a couple of weeks ago and he stated that the next Anna Wintour will be borne out of the Pinterest community. I’m not sure what exactly he meant. Maybe that those users with giant followings (influencers) will have the power once wielded only by big magazine editors.
I keep polling my readers. Very few of them are bloggers. When I try co-hosting a link party on my site, it falls flat. Very few bloggers read my stuff.
However, I like Pinterest and I do well with it. It’s my #1 source of traffic.
This phrase of yours struck me: “audiences who are stumbling around trying to find something helpful”.
I think that unless I am offering something of real value, there is absolutely no point in me, or anyone, pinning it.
And that’s the question that I pose myself, often: how does what I’m writing meet a felt need in my audience.
Unless people OTHER THAN BLOGGERS are finding and reading my content, it is a closed loop, and will remain so.
Whether it’s helping someone find a nice recipe that will please the reader and his/her family or friends, or whether it’s an insight that will help the reader connect with his/her Creator, or help them gain insight into their own life: I’d better be producing content that meets felt needs. Or why bother?
And the only reason for pinning content that is giveaway nature but has expired, is if I offer something helpful or educational within it, or if I need it for a resumé, to connect with a brand, to show the caliber of work I’ve already produced.
I’m a Pinterest queen and I love it. But it is definitely different strokes for different folks. I’m visually stimulated (ooh that sounds naughty) and I can spend hours looking at pretty images.
My theory is that while people are hunting around for the latest crock pot recipe, they might see a post of mine that catches their eye. They click for a quick read and then go back to whatever they were doing. Sometimes they like what I write and stick around.
I do, however, write about sex and relationships which is universally appealing. And I pin to boards that have a general audience, not just bloggers loving bloggers. I agree that no one really pins consumable blog content for later, which is why I am happy with low repins and high click stats.
It’s working for me because my page views are up, as are my subscriptions. I frequently get emails from people saying they found me on Pinterest. And I enjoy it immensely – which is really the only that makes it worthwhile.
I’ve had a lot of the same thoughts as you. I haven’t been blogging long, and I’m still stumbling along, learning as I go. When I started, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I didn’t start out to make money, and still don’t blog for that reason. I mean, sure, someday if someone wants to throw some money my way (I can’t even imagine that), then sure. But I’ll hang onto my day job, thanks. I don’t have any illusions that I’m even remotely in a class of writer that deserves to be paid. One thing I was surprised to discover is that a lot of bloggers seem to blog for other bloggers. I’d always thought that bloggers blogged for a wide readership of, well, not-bloggers! And I reckon some do.
As far as social media goes? I’m old. I was around when rotary phones were a thing and computers were the size of a Greyhound bus. I do the Twitter thing, but not well. I enjoy it to an extent, but when I start to feel the panic set in, I unplug. Pinterest is something that I’m just now getting into. I still don’t really “get” it, but I’ve “upped my Pinterest game” a bit through Elena Peters’ Pintastic, and I have gotten some traffic from it. But I don’t feel that a great majority of my things are “pinworthy”. Maybe some of my recipes, sure.
As for the rest of social media? I don’t have the time. It troubles me when I read articles, written by bloggers about blogging, that claim only 10% of your time should be spent on writing, while the other 90% should be spent on promoting. I started blogging because I love to write. I’m not a PR person. So my blog is growing slowly, but I’d rather that, with a small, sincere following, than anything else. Like I said before, I’m old. I’ve learned patience! I’ll take what I have, and I’m very, very happy with it.
Sorry for the lengthy response!
AMEN! Is it ok if I AMEN on your blog? haha! I am not blogging for bloggers. I want a larger audience. I don’t really know who, but I know they are women. It may be a BIG audience or small. But it is not just for bloggers. 🙂
I don’t quite get pinterest yet and how it will help my blog? I mean I think my stuff is worthy of pinning, but I usually see recipes and stuff pinned…not MY kind of writing.
Anyhow.. Great questions. 🙂 And yes…I wish there were more conversations on blogs…but people don’t leave much more than great post, or good tips. 🙂
I never really cared about pinterest until I started seeing recipes that I liked and clothes that I like, and so on and so forth. I never thought about growing my traffic or my followers before, you know? It was more of a… “I want this recipe for later!!” type of thing. Now I appreciate that people are following me and pinning what I also like from my pins, it’s a nice platform for cultivating and sharing interests.
I also agree with you on this issue. So many bloggers are addicted to pinning just about anything. What puzzles me is their followers will repin those posts. Of course, there are photos worth repinning, but do you really have to repin everything?
Pinterest is my number one traffic driver, but I also spend a lot of time on Pinterest, both pinning my things and pinning other people’s pins. I spend varying degrees of time with my other social media like Facebook and Twitter, but not as much time as Pinterest—-and I guess that shows in my traffic.
I decided a year ago that spending the time doing the social media blitz was not worth the effort in trying to increase readership. Somehow I have garnered a nice following of actual readers, not just bloggers, and continue to write to the ‘universe’ because I couldn’t even begin to speak with authority on what makes my boat float above any other blogger. But- I do read you and not just because I’m returning a favor.
pinterest is very baffling to me because i have written about similar things that for other people go viral and for me just goes no where. i have no idea how things get popular on pinterest but i have gotten less than 10 clicks from pinterest ever
Some very good points. I hate the short stories on Twitter. Sometimes seems useless. Pinterest is awesome yet you will come across those giveaways, etc that are expired and don’t want to see those. Sometime it does feel like bloggers supporting bloggers and things aren’t actually get out the world. But at least we try and sometimes it actually makes it farther than we think.
I do think most blogs are read by bloggers but I think Pinterest has a lot to offer everyone. Anything you might what to make, do, or go, you will find on Pinterest.
Wow. I couldn’t agree with you more. Because my blog wasn’t intended to make money either, I sometimes wonder why I need to promote, promote, promote. I use Pinterest primarily for recipes. Periscope? Videos? Vlogging? No interest.
Look at all of these comments! Obviously your post hit the mark with a lot of folks and with me as well. I also do not “blog for money” or else I would be very hungry and wearing bread sacks on my feet. 🙂 I blog because I love it, I love the ability to get my words written down and the ability to share those with folks that might be interested but do I think my blog is for everyone? Absolutely not. And do I think my posts are Pinterest worthy? Mostly not. And I am fine with that. I use Pinterest for ideas and inspiration but not for promoting my blog. Great post! Thanks!
You made me smile because you have said what a lot of persons are thinking.
You touched on several issues in this post, albeit you titled it “Pinterest.” Many of your questions are ones that I have also been pondering. Re Pinterest, I use it and have been for some time – not for traffic but to look at pretty things. More recently, through the automated publishing on my blog, my posts are not pinned to a board. I have noticed my audience there gradually growing, without any real or direct attempt on my part. And that is just about it for me. As to the “loop,” that has been on my mind as well – that these groups are mostly “incestuous” so to speak. Like you, I have gotten quite tired of reading posts that are actually not relevant to me but have to read as that is the agreement entered into. It really peeves me to have others from these groups visit my blog, read the first line and make irrelevant and totally off topic comments!!! I am just about done with being in these groups as the work is more than the reward. Which brings me to one of your other questions, why am I blogging? I most certainly am not doing so to make money. I am doing so to share stories and a message – not to proselytize as some do – but to help even one a day who might be thinking she is alone on a particular journey. Do I need traffic for that to reach her? Yes, but not to the magnitude that others need. I most certainly will not be doing sponsored posts on adult pampers that I hope never to wear. I am not in this for the money either. I have a day job and intend to keep it that way. Bloggin, Pinterest, Twitter (where I do have a great following, interactive and growing and does not require me to post every second) and Facebook are fun activities for me. If I make some money from any or all of them one day – hooray, so be it. So for the epistle. 🙂
I love love love Pinterest. When I can’t sleep at night due to back pain, I pin. They’ve featured me several times which I think is really cool. Periscope on the other hand does not interest me in the lease.
I’m not on Pinterest so I can’t say I’ve experienced this. I’m not a blogger either so I haven’t experienced most of these things. But I do enjoy reading your experiences.
Well, you surely got some great comments above. I read them all!
I rarely put my blog posts out in a blogger thread to share because don’t find most of the stuff I’m asked to “comment on” in return interesting to me. If I read another Top 10 list or poop-it-out post from someone I think I’ll jump. Okay, that sounds mean, which is why I don’t join the blogger sharing threads much at all anymore. And I should just keep quiet.
I love Instagram because that’s where I find/follow people with lives that intrigue me and people who share interests that are similar to mine.
FB is a time suck for me. Big time.
Pinterest? Yeah, it’s the BIG THING. It mostly leaves me cold because of the time involved in searching/finding/clicking to find the original source, which is (see complaint #1 above) often not detailed enough for what I’m searching for.
Twitter? I use it, but it feels more like one big advertisement these days. Too many “commercials.”
You hit a nerve with many of us.
I tried live streaming once, just once. It’s definitely not for me! I have no patience to do that kind of thing. I much prefer the editing of everything later. 🙂
I like Pinterest for recipes and crafts as those are definitely things I’d return to later, but most blog content isn’t long term pinnable as you mentioned.
And I hear you on the support threads as it’s definitely a mixed bag, and there’s no way around the fact that much of what you read isn’t something you’d normally read. That’s part and parcel of it though. What bothers me is that many of the people who complain about the comments they receive give empty comments themselves…
I haven’t really been too into Pinterest. I used to love it for repinning recipes etc but I haven’t really done much with it for my blog. Must work on that.
I get pretty much zero traffic from Pinterest on my blog. In my experience running a website, the hottest topics are fashion and recipes, and mostly it’s about something exploding and becoming “evergreen.” Pinterest is about looking at images and finding stuff to do, make, cook or buy, not to read.
I’ve been blogging for 4 1/2 years and by far my biggest traffic source is subscribers. Close behind that is organic search and following that is Facebook.
What I think – as far as my blog goes – is that most of the people who comment are bloggers, but there are many more readers who never say a word. If you think about it, it takes a lot of nerve to leave a comment on a blog, or anywhere online for that matter. We are used to it, but most people are not.
Great, thought provoking post as usual!
For me Pinterest is just a guilty pleasure, like an online magazine I scroll through when I have some time.
First, I love Carol Cassara and some of her words ring true for me some don’t. I am not a writer, I am a blogger. I do it for the $$ and the fun. I write sponsored posts, Evergreen giveaways (where the giveaway is removed once over, but the review/topic remains), company features (where they give me the content and I just post it), run 30+ blogger blog campaigns for networks and companies, and produce original content (outfit posts, lifestyle posts) . I have to figure out how to make most of social media work for me as that is one of the factors in getting chosen and paid.
I don’t write for other bloggers/writers. I write for women over 45. That being said, sometimes I need the support of my other blogger/writer friends to get a post going or socialized etc. But I attempt to pursue the reader (blogger or not). I have been blogging for 6 years. Most of my comments come from long time sweeper readers, readers (new and old) and new sweepers. But over time, the sweepers have stayed. And we chat back and forth.
I don’t disagree with Carol about some of my works only being seen by bloggers but I don’t write with that intention. I constantly strive to build an overall audience. Yet bloggers/writers are people, readers, and pageviews as well so I don’t minimize anything.
In regards to Pinterest, it is in my top 10 traffic paths. They say whatever is in your top ten, that’s what you should focus on and then let the rest fall to the wayside. So I do. I actually just starting using a spreadsheet again today that I was using ages ago, that has each post and what I have done to socialize that post. Some things I will do very little, other things I will socialize every aspect of it.
Also, with Pinterest, you have to play the game. Make Pins that have pinnable images, the right size, etc. Of course, recipes and crafts are the most pinned but it’s possible to get creative (with an inspirational quote for example) and get other things pinned as well (and hopefully some pageviews). Here is an example. I wrote an evergreen article on skin cancer awareness month. I made simple pins. This pin had 115 repins. http://stillblondeafteralltheseyears.com/…/skin-cancer…/ and I pinned it to this board of quotes which has 9300 followers. https://www.pinterest.com/stillblondeaaty/quotes/ Is it getting me blog traffic? Not sure, but pinterest is in my top 10 for traffic so…you just have to keep working it.
I think you just have to decide how you want to “Feed the Pig”! It’s a constant constant game of working to maximize pageviews while providing readers content they will return for (or come to once). Goal setting helps (I want this many pageviews, this many followers on Pinterest, etc) but unless I become the Bloggess over night (followed by millions) then I know I am just going to have to keep at it, in the way I already am.
I so appreciate the time you took to lay all this out in a comment. It really is food for thought. Thank you, Shel.
An interesting topic and one that I struggle with as a blogger too. I blog for the fun and enjoyment of sharing my transformation journey during my life after 50. I get satisfaction when my readers are inspired by something I shared or a product I found that they didn’t know about or an idea that they didn’t think about at this point in their life. It’s not about the money for me, but it is nice when I do get approached for a sponsored post. I agree with Sharon, I don’t get many comments but I hear from my readers via email. I’ve been blogging for many years and focus on quality versus quantity of readership, posts, social share, and sponsorship. I don’t use Pinterest or even Instagram that much as I’m not an image focused blog, my writing is where I’m at. I think if you come across as authentic and true to yourself others will want to read and follow your blog. Glad to know that others struggle with this issue too.
I confess I mostly consider myself a storyteller by nature, and I haven’t felt the importance of pinning most of what I post because, frankly, is someone LOOKING for it? If it is a recipe or a how-to, of course.
But I have never gone to Pinterest looking for a story.
I look for a crock pot recipe, a Valentine craft, a “how to treat a MRSA infection” (and there is a post I should write). I’ve read Katie’s posts on how our type of writing IS Pinnable and I’m intrigued, but so far, I just don’t see much traffic from there.
I get the most new reader hits when blogger friends sharing my posts on Facebook, to be honest.
i’m finding more and more uses every day for my Pinterest account – i love it!
Dear Carol, As you know my endeavor in blogging has been a bit disjointed, so I’m coming at this from a complete amateur perspective. I want to say first and foremost that I admire your diligence in your blogging. The topics are always fresh and zingy (yes, zingy!) and I always come away with some food for thought. Also, I am continually in your debt for your honest and well put response in my request for feedback a few years ago. It still means a lot to me. NOW, as for the questions posed, As a new blogger, I did often feel like it was some kind of club to which I was a late comer. I promise that I don’t mean that in a snarky way, different forums were lovely to allow me to participate. I often felt that there was a lot of posting for postings sake with many “link-ups” and other terminology that I can’t recall, let alone figure out the ins and outs of. I too wondered (often) if we were all just reading posts from within said club, and when would they ever make it beyond the local blogosphere? The concept of making money at it was beyond imaginable to me. How do people do that anyway? Over recent months I began using INSTAGRAM, and found a lovely world of bloggers outside the box. I don’t expect them to read my stuff, as in the beginning, my posts are mostly for friends and family members. If anything else comes of it, well that would just be a huge surprise! I have never once used Pinterest to read blogs, I don’t think of it that way. Once I found Instagram I pretty much halted my pinning on Pinterest. The method of scrolling through the sites I love (usually home renov. painting, gardening..) is much easier for me and more quick. I don’t want to spend my time at the computer screen, I want to be out there doing those things! Keep up the good work Carol, you’ve found a rhythm to writing and living a full life. I enjoy following you! PS, Post to Instagram, your feed is empty 🙂
I know, i just haven’t had time to Instagram! But you’re right, I should check it out more. Thanks for the kind words!
I agree with you about “bloggers blogging for each other”. We use Pinterest for our marketing but it doesn’t get us anywhere most of the time – just a presence. I personally only use Pinterest to look for hairstyles, nail designs and wedding things haha
I’m new to the blogging atmosphere and posting my link in groups but I have to say there are times when I really think the same thing. That we are all just blogging to each other and no one else. But I guess if someone’s reading it doesn’t matter your audience. All you can hope for is that maybe you posted something relevant enough to get someone to start thinking.
This was so interesting to read. You are so right, we as bloggers tend to most of time blog for other bloggers instead of blogging to the world
I think some bloggers where they realize it or not are only getting other bloggers to their website. But it is a community.
I find Pinterest very exciting and interesting. It’s a wonderful social media as well.
I don’t spend much time on Pinterest but started to like the platform.
I’d love to get in periscope but my phone doesn’t support it yet. I do think that a blogger’s main audience is other bloggers. It’s sometimes hard to make that transition into the “real world”.
I love Pinterest and find that some of my top posts come from repins! Thanks for the great post!
Thanks for writing about me! Just teasing…I appreciate the details, as I know I’m one who has just not even begun to maximize my Pinterest account as well as I could.
As a small food blogger Pinterest and Instagram works great in getting traffic to my site. I like them both.