What if I were to ask you what you thought the most popular destinations are?
Would you guess Paris? London? Bali? Manhattan?
And what’s the best way to get there?
I wondered about that, so I did a little research and here’s what I came up with:
I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping there’s an elevator to Heaven. Or maybe I can just beam up. Because in my heaven? There is no need for cardio. Of any kind.
Hotel California is another story.
In grad school I once helped a prof with a consulting job for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting at a place in West Palm Beach called La Coquille Club. The Ritz owns it now and has renovated it, but in the 1970s it had a strange and eerie vibe at night. I remember coming around corners at night and bumping into a weird, German housekeeper who was obviously skulking. It happened more than once. Whenever I hear the Eagles sing Hotel California, I think of that very bizarre place.
There she stood in the doorway; I heard the mission bell And I was thinking to myself, “This could be Heaven or this could be Hell” Then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor, I thought I heard them say…
So, have YOU visited any of these popular destinations and what did you find when you got there?
Or maybe you have a new popular destination to add.
If you do, we want to hear about it in the Comments section.
After all, it’s never too early to start planning.
Carol- wonderful post- as a native of Georgia but transplanted to South Florida for more than 25 years I find that I now appreciate all that Georgia has to offer- especially Savannah- who bills itself as one of Americas most haunted cities- and yes, I believe it!- cant blame my creepy experience at midnight at my B&B on too much fried chicken and pralines! I remember the Coquille Club except as of last year the Ritz has sold it-still nice though.
What about going to “Hell in a hand basket?” That one has always seemed so strange to me. Of course, I do not wish to go to Hell via any means, thankyouverymuch! 😉
I ‘ve only been to London and that too on work – too short a trip and not enough time to take in the sights. But I’d love to visit again.
Love that visual, Carol and your story of your Hotel California-ish experience. I’ve always wondered what those lyrics really meant.
Taking a midnight train is on my list of things to do. I specifically want to take the night train from New Delhi to Khajuraho temple group (the Kama Sutra temples) but I’m not sure about 18 hours on an Indian train. Might feel more like going to Hell in a hand basket.
Sometimes I just can’t decide to follow Arlo Guthrie’s advice and take a train called “The City of New Orleans” or listen to Steve Miller and jump on a big ol’ “Jet Airliner” to carry me to my home. I guess, when it’s all said and done, I will just hop on my motorcycle and “Get my motor runnin’, Head out on the highway Lookin’ for adventure” like the guys in Steppenwolf.
With all of the I-95 Corridor driving I have done the past 17-months I am sure I have been on the highway to hell.
I have always liked the Hotel California song but it did creep me out at the same time.
A midnight train sounds romantic but I would probably be scared to death!
I have been listening to a lot of old music the last few weeks, every song truly nudges a memory.
I’m going to have Road to Nowhere by the Talking Heads playing in MY head all night now. Great post, very thought provoking. Makes me wonder if I’ve ever skulked…like the German housekeeper. That’s a word I’ve got to incorporate into my writing more. Thanks for a great read.
Carol do you have Twitter? This post is made for a viral run!
p.s. If your destination is the Emerald City, follow the yellow brick road
or if you’d rather be up on the roof, try climbing way up to the top of the stairs
I remember seeing that chart on FB a while ago and it brought back so many song memories. I have always been a fan of Hotel California and, yes, it kind of gives me the creeps, too.
Strange but the first thing that popped in the mind when I read this was…
“Well I’m standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see….” The Eagles sure took us weird places….
Thanks for the much needed smile this morning Carol!
Great post! My song is Stairway to Heaven- mostly because I have no idea what it means 😀
There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
I love comments, so if something resonates with you in any way, don’t hesitate to leave a comment on my blog. Thank you for stopping by–oh, and why not subscribe so you don’t miss a single post?
Carol- wonderful post- as a native of Georgia but transplanted to South Florida for more than 25 years I find that I now appreciate all that Georgia has to offer- especially Savannah- who bills itself as one of Americas most haunted cities- and yes, I believe it!- cant blame my creepy experience at midnight at my B&B on too much fried chicken and pralines! I remember the Coquille Club except as of last year the Ritz has sold it-still nice though.
OMG you remember it? LOL
Clever! That post would make a great essay.
I’ll write it! 😉
What about going to “Hell in a hand basket?” That one has always seemed so strange to me. Of course, I do not wish to go to Hell via any means, thankyouverymuch! 😉
Oh yeah! You been there? Would we even fit in handbaskets as adults?
I ‘ve only been to London and that too on work – too short a trip and not enough time to take in the sights. But I’d love to visit again.
Love that visual, Carol and your story of your Hotel California-ish experience. I’ve always wondered what those lyrics really meant.
To me it’s a really eerie lyric and that hotel was a really eerie place!
Great post. LOVE that chart. Only destination I can think of is “The Moon.” How to get there? Flying. Preferably with Frank Sinatra.
Oh what a GREAT one! I love his voice on that. So smoooth.
I would like to take the last train to Clarksville! I have not been to many cities in Tennessee besides Nashville.
I want to go there, too!
China > slow boat
Clever you! I’ve been on the highway to hell many a time. And a dark desert highway… but it was in Arizona, not California.
i’ve been on that dark desert highway, too! I can’t take credit for the image, though. I found it. Wish I had come up with it!
Miss Carol, “Do you know the way to San Jose?”
I hope so, since you sold us a house here! LOL
Taking a midnight train is on my list of things to do. I specifically want to take the night train from New Delhi to Khajuraho temple group (the Kama Sutra temples) but I’m not sure about 18 hours on an Indian train. Might feel more like going to Hell in a hand basket.
I would require heavy pharmaceuticals to spend 18 hours on an Indian train. I think it would be more comfortable to squeeze into a hand basket….
Such a fun post Carol. You are one clever lady!
Sometimes I just can’t decide to follow Arlo Guthrie’s advice and take a train called “The City of New Orleans” or listen to Steve Miller and jump on a big ol’ “Jet Airliner” to carry me to my home. I guess, when it’s all said and done, I will just hop on my motorcycle and “Get my motor runnin’, Head out on the highway Lookin’ for adventure” like the guys in Steppenwolf.
Jay, such good ones!
Warm smell of calyptus rising up through the air. Up ahead in the distance..
Anyway, been to Paris a few times and I’d go again and again. But now? I’m happy being simple and uncluttered. That’s where I belong right now.
What IS calpytus? Did they mean eucalyptus? LOL
Great post Carol – so creative! Right about now I’d love to be on a midnight train to anywhere!
With all of the I-95 Corridor driving I have done the past 17-months I am sure I have been on the highway to hell.
I have always liked the Hotel California song but it did creep me out at the same time.
A midnight train sounds romantic but I would probably be scared to death!
I have been listening to a lot of old music the last few weeks, every song truly nudges a memory.
I love oldies.
I’m going to have Road to Nowhere by the Talking Heads playing in MY head all night now. Great post, very thought provoking. Makes me wonder if I’ve ever skulked…like the German housekeeper. That’s a word I’ve got to incorporate into my writing more. Thanks for a great read.
LOL. “Skulk” is a great word, but I don’t want to use it in my writing more because it’ll mean something weird’s goin’ on. LOL
How about going to Carolina…in my mind?
Right! Hell is just cardio 24/7! LOL I understand 😉
Carol do you have Twitter? This post is made for a viral run!
p.s. If your destination is the Emerald City, follow the yellow brick road
or if you’d rather be up on the roof, try climbing way up to the top of the stairs
I remember seeing that chart on FB a while ago and it brought back so many song memories. I have always been a fan of Hotel California and, yes, it kind of gives me the creeps, too.
Great post I’ve been on them all at some point in my life!
Strange but the first thing that popped in the mind when I read this was…
“Well I’m standing on the corner in Winslow, Arizona and such a fine sight to see….” The Eagles sure took us weird places….
Thanks for the much needed smile this morning Carol!
Now I have an earworm!!
Great post! My song is Stairway to Heaven- mostly because I have no idea what it means 😀
There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking