Pork loin slow cooked with sherry

May 15, 2013
Only half because we ate the other half before I found my camera

Only half because we ate the other half before I found my camera

If you want the most tender, flavorful, delicious and simple slow-cooker meal, I highly recommend this Pork Loin with Sherry. I can not tell you how absolutely delicious it is. Actually, I just did.

I love my slow cooker because I can put a main dish in after breakfast and let the air fill with the fragrance of fresh herbs, spices and other flavors. By dinnertime, it’s ready, and I don’t have to do another thing. So here’s the recipe:

Pork loin (2 or 3 lbs)
2 large red onions, thinly sliced
1 Tablespoon of butter
1 clove of garlic (I used organic shallots I had on hand)
half a cup of sherry
salt and pepper

After slicing the onions very thinly, I cooked them until soft in the butter.
I rubbed the pork loin with seasoned pepper and a little salt.
I put the loin in the slow cooker. Added the raw shallot and the cooked onions.
Poured the sherry on top.
Set the cooker for LOW and let it go for 10 hours.
What emerged was one of the tastiest main dishes I’ve ever made. Try it!
Bon appetit!


2 comments on “Pork loin slow cooked with sherry
  1. Susan Cooper says:

    This looks amazingly good. I am going to give this a try this weekend when My friend comes. WOO!HOO! Thanks for this.

  2. Emmy says:

    Mmmm….all of my favorite favors and so easy! Would you recommend using a certain brand of sherry? I’ve tasted some that just seem too sweet…

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