Pretending it’s March

March 3, 2011

It was 89 degrees yesterday and I couldn’t help but think about March. Such a good month. It’s the month of the spring equinox: winter officially ended this year on March 20 at 7:21 p.m. EDT.

By April little green buds appeared on barren trees. April was also a good month. Winter-grey doldrums were washed away by spring showers, leaving the fresh, clean smell of a new beginning.

However. It’s now May. Summer is not due for another six weeks.

So, please, someone. Tell me what I am supposed to do with this 89 degree weather in May? Besides turn on our central air conditioning? Which used to be a rare feature in homes here in northern California, because there were only about two weeks a year we needed it. Usually in August.

But it’s May.

I’m going to close my eyes and pretend it’s March.

I’m also going to pretend there’s no such thing as global warming.

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