“Hmm. Not sure about that. It’s making me sleepy.”
One thing I can tell you with 100 percent certainty.
It is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to write lectures with a cute dog on your lap.
Even if he wants to help.
“I think you need another two bullet points there. Just for clarity.”
“Don’t you agree?”
Riley’s input is always good; he seems to have an uncanny feel for how my students will respond. Still, I prefer him to give his input from the chair next to mine and not from my lap. We might as well finish the page off with a few other cute dog photos. Riley’s girlfriend, Lexi, came over for a play date the other afternoon and so did the young whippersnapper, Boz. I need to correct the record. Boz is actually a labradoodle, not a goldendoodle. (all those doodles look alike, don’t they?) Lexi is quite a beauty, don’t you think?
Lexi’s mom left her with us for a while.
Really a lovely little dog. We adore her and so does Riley.
Lovely Lexi
Boz has tons of energy and is in that gawky puppy stage that I love so much.
She is really mushy when I pick her up, just as cute as can be.
Below, she’s taking little rest after play.
Beautiful baby Boz
With four dogs in our tiny back yard, it was pandemonium.
Riley went at Bozzy a few times and boy, was he surprised
Here you’ll find my blog, some of my essays, published writing, and my solo performances. There’s also a link to my Etsy shop for healing and grief tools offered through A Healing Spirit.
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