
February 3, 2009

A lot of client crises. Trying to get the new website up for our business. Leaving for Nasvhille tomorrow. Skipping the gym is never a good idea but right now it falls to the bottom due to overload. A lot of stress.  A mini-meltdown.

Laughter is one way to handle it. It’s never failed me before and still hasn’t.

Of course, it’s not quite as good as a big, warm fuzzy blanket to wrap around yourself. And to pull over your head. Something to protect you from the stresses of a world which seems to have too many of them.

But it’s close.  

As very sage Jimmy Buffet once said: If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.

Still, I like having the blanket and I felt virtually tucked in it last night, with my cute little yappy dog by my side. Warm and safe from the crazies in the world.
How cool is that? It’s pricelesss.

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