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Ah the old and ever popular venus fly trap. My 84 year old mother just bought one for my nephew’s 18th birthday. He loved it.
You so funny!
haha! did you ever see the movie Little Shop of Horrors? They had a GIANT venus fly trap that needed blood. deep thoughts: Plants protesting vegetarians. haha
I do remember that now!
If I had been driving by with my two sons in the car, we would have stopped! Maybe this is ahead for the grandson!
It was a strange place!
UC Davis has a great one…it’s a stink plant, or something like that, and it blooms every several years (yeah, my memory isn’t so great on these details). We did make a visit though. And, as a lover of found type, your sign is fabulous!!
I thought it was perfection in typeography!
My cousin lives in Half Moon Bay and is coming today for a visit. I might have to ask her if she’s been there, as she’s a vegetarian. I might taunt her a bit by begging for a tour.
Do it! LOL
Ha ha! I would definitely have stopped! Reminds me of Little Shop of Horrors. I’d be scared to keep a carnivorous plant in my house! Love the typeface, too. It’s perfect.
It was such an eerie place, too.
My dad gave my big brother a venus fly trap when I was in kindergarten. I have this image of my brother feeding it raw hamburger and telling me that it was ground human burned in my memory. So when Seymour showed up in the Little Shop of Horrors…you can imagine….
Now THAT made me laugh aloud!
Ha ha ha. When you get the answer to all these questions I hope you write another post and pass them on!
I wonder why no one’s taking them seriously? LOL
You are hilarious, Carol. We should put a computer chip inside your brain to document the inner workings! You always make me smile! Smart and funny – that’s YOU!
Cathy, you are soo sweet! Yeah, I think the contents of that chip would scare people.
All I could think of was Little Shop of Horrors too. They certainly know how to get your attention! Thanks for making me laugh – I needed it today!
I so wish I had a carnivorous plant…like the Rocky Horror Picture show or something. That’d keep the company down.
Yep. A great font! It looks like a wonderful store, too.
I think I would be afraid to enter…
I am intrigued! I would totally love to pay a visit to this place.
We used to have a Venus FlyTrap–it was a really cool plant….but I’m not gonna lie…it was also kinda gross when you could see the insects dissolving inside them day after day.
Husby definitely would have stopped!
My sister had a Venus fly trap when her boys were small. They prodded it with a pencil and tricked it into closing. The problem with that is that the pod that closes without anything in it dies. What did we learn from this? 1. Carnivorous plants aren’t vegetarian (or at least don’t like pencils). 2. Carnivorous plants aren’t very smart. 3. Small boys and carnivorous plants – wrong on so many levels…