Rainy days & Sundays

March 1, 2009

It’s an overcast and drizzly day in Tampa and we’re dug in for the duration. It’s a day for Netflix, reading the papers, flipping through books and doing the New York Times crossword puzzle. With some hot tea.

Riley can’t understand why the patio is verboten today. In the third year of drought, we need the rain. But there hasn’t been much of it today, just enough to interfere with outdoor activities.

The song is actually Rainy Days & Mondays by the Carpenters.

2 comments on “Rainy days & Sundays
  1. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    no need to talk it out we know what it’s all about

    I will be getting my ideas to you early this week….

  2. What, you don’t want me to post the lyric to the Carpenters’ song?? (grin)

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