Ready for his closeup

December 26, 2010

It’s been a while…how about a Rile-a-thon? Those devilish eyes…Riley enjoys helping us make the bed each morning.
He thinks we do it to give him a more comfortable perch from which to survey his domain.
But he’s never much trusted the camera.
He insists this is his best angle.
So he’s reluctant to turn a different way.
Closeups from this spot are great, he advised. And wouldn’t budge.
“Enough already,” I told him.
But, he told me, head-on, the camera makes his eyes look too deep-set. “You’re still adorable,” I assured him.
Ok, it’s true. He does resemble Pigpen. It was a few days before he visited the dog spa for his bath and grooming.Snuggled under the bedspread, he tells me the photo shoot is over.
After a hard day of play, Riley loves him some sleep.Down for the count.

One comment on “Ready for his closeup
  1. Fatuous Anility says:

    Sweet Dreams Riley!

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