Real Christmas cards sent by strange people

December 3, 2012

‘Tis the season and the funny holiday card emails are making the rounds.  I couldn’t help but share these humorous Christmas cards.

Well, ok, they’re not exactly FUNNY. Some are sad and scary. But I’ll share, anyway. Who thinks these up?

A scary use of Photoshop.

Family celebrating peace on earth.

I think this one’s kind of cute. I do.
I suppose they’re nudists, right?
Wonder what her shrink would say about this.
We know for sure there’s no danger of a GIANT BRAIN.

More families celebrating the season of peace. Why Amerika scares me.

I do believe he’ll meet Baby Jesus sooner, rather than later.

There’s a story here. I’ll bet it involves the Midwest & swinging.
I guess he sleeps in the nude.

Add your own caption here. I’ll give a prize for the best one.

8 comments on “Real Christmas cards sent by strange people
  1. Anonymous says:

    Don’t know where you found them, but I know where you coulda left them.

    Recycling is good for the planet, too.

  2. John Feland says:

    These are hilarious!

    For the Dog One.

    This is what the three magi found when they followed Sirius, the Dog Star by mistake.


    Don’t let your holidays go to the dogs.


    Lost in translation: Son of God doesn’t equal Son of Dog

  3. John Feland says:

    These are hilarious!

    For the Dog One.

    This is what the three magi found when they followed Sirius, the Dog Star by mistake.


    Don’t let your holidays go to the dogs.


    Lost in translation: Son of God doesn’t equal Son of Dog

  4. My Caption: The angel said a “The Blessed son of God — Not Dog”

  5. Grace Hodgin says:

    These are funny and I’ll agree with you about Americans being scary.
    My caption would be:
    The holidays are going to the dogs.

    Thanks for sharing and I enjoy your sense of humor.

  6. some of these are pretty funny. But I agree some are rather “scary” to think there are people like this out there…..

  7. Jennifer Comet Wagner says:

    Wow, if these really are real, there are some strange people out there.

  8. Haralee says:

    They made me laugh. What is their accompanying Christmas Letters like?
    my caption, ‘It’s a miracle’. Too cynical?

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