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I remember my dad would occasionally find a perfect rose growing in our yard and bring it inside for my mom. It was such a tiny thing, but so incredibly romantic. They’ve been married 56 years and still adore each other.
Hi – This wasn’t actually small. My husband surprised me with tickets to Hawaii for our 9th anniversary. He sabotaged my lunch hour with friends (or so I thought) read me a poem and off we went to Hawaii the next morning.
Mine still opens my car door for me after 30 years of marriage. 🙂
Gosh, I’m lucky. He surprises me all the time with little things that always make me smile. A simple card that said how much I mean to him everyday is the one I remember the most. These matter and should go both ways. I do try to do them too.
So beautiful, that perfect rose. That, to me, is the epitome of the small, meaningful gesture of love. Janie, that whole sabotage and poem thing? Swoon! Amy, what a lovely reminder of chivalry and love. And Susan, you’re right, it goes both ways. Thanks so much for sharing these, they warmed my heart today!
So true, Carol! When my husband of 36 years randomly brings me flowers..it still melts my heart and makes me want to dance!