Rebuilding at midlife

April 5, 2009

The other day I spent some time with a mid-life woman who had been laid off.

As she sought a new job in a field where few new jobs are available, she watched her savings dwindle. With no solid prospects on the horizon, she was forced to sell her modest, but much-loved home in a neighborhood she loved.

It’s hard not to be moved by her plight and that of so many others, stuck at mid-life with experience in industries that are not hiring, and in fact, are laying off. It’s hard enough to be in a hard-hit industry. But to face such devastation at mid-life, when it’s usually time to dial back, makes it a double whammy.

She cried, I held her.

The way I felt reinforces my hope that our new venture will help women like her, and I hope it can be significantly so. Rebuilding a life at this stage of the game is a tough proposition.

One comment on “Rebuilding at midlife
  1. Diana Strinati Baur says:

    Very tough. I think about women in this kind of position all the time. It’s like you worked and worked and then — slam. This post touched me.

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