
January 27, 2009

You’re right. I just haven’t felt like writing lately. That’s because I’m in an unusual space where nothing’s new, and everything’s new. At the same time.

What’s old is new. What’s new is old. Eventually, I’ll write about it. But not just yet.

Meanwhile, my partner and I are preparing to head to Nashville next week, our first new business development trip. We’ll be at a large convention, where we’ll be meeting up with some of her really great contacts and talking about our new business. Getting on the radar screen, so to speak.

Our website will be up on February 5, we hope. Because that’s the day we leave. 😉

This weekend, we’re going to an all-day visioning session for women in St. Petersburg. I’m going because I do believe in the visioning process–making intent/vision reality– and my partner and I want to figure out how they can afford to charge women $99 for all day, including lunch.

And how you can have any kind of quality workshop with 110 women. This puzzles me. But since it’s the business we’re going into, we need to know.

I talked to the “coach” and to tell you the truth, I didn’t much like her. We’re nicer. But it isn’t stopping me from attending. And maybe “borrowing” some of her ideas. To “reuse.”

Recycling. It’s the word for the week.

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