Refreshing summer drinks

June 6, 2015

 The weather is already warming up in many parts of the United States, and that means long, lazy days on the patio, summer picnics and of course, refreshing cold drinks to keep us hydrated.  I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of the same old beverages, so I set out to find some tasty new alternatives for this summer, some with alcohol and some without.’s a recipe for an unusual minted iced tea that includes orange juice. It’s got quite a bit of sugar, though. Still, as a summer treat, a little sugar won’t kill you. As long as you aren’t diabetic, that is.


445154This vintage lemonade recipe is just how people made it in the 1800s, before air conditioning and when people wore so many layers of clothes it’s a wonder they didn’t swoon all summer long.  When it comes to refreshing summer drinks, this one has to define the term. I haven’t tried it yet, but as soon as my lemons come back, I’m going to. Reviews say it’s really good! And it’s as close as I ever want to get to how life was in the 19th century.

877592If lemons aren’t your thing, about about watermelon lemonade? Perfect for a hot summer day!  This is one I’m going to try soon.

BV6120This summer fruit punch has no added sugar, but uses wine and some of my favorite stone fruits.  It sounds delicious and a perfect signature drink for a summer party. In fact, I want to have a party just to serve it.


 This strawberry coconut daiquiri would be great on 4th of July. Anything with coconut just screams BEACH!

img_6972-webI’m a big fan of sangria, all kinds, but this white wine sangria chock full of summer fruits is a perfect summer choice.

If you’ve got a favorite summer beverage, I hope you’ll share it in the Comments below.

18 comments on “Refreshing summer drinks
  1. Those all look amazing – and so refreshing for summer! I’m starting to feel a little parched!

  2. I love lemonade! The watermelon version looks like a must-try!

  3. Cat Graham says:

    Those drinks look so tasty and thirst quenching, Carol. Just perfect for the hot summer ahead. Luckily here in Ontario, it’s not too humid yet and I’m just as happy. I agree with you about the lemonade and life in the 19th century. I like to romanticize what it was like but I’m sure it was very tough compared to our comfortable lives now.

    I like anything carbonated like Perrier and Fresca. Not big on liquor but I do like sweet drinks, maybe too much.

  4. Alana says:

    My favorite summer drink isn’t fancy at all – unsweetened solar tea, made with tea grown in South Carolina. I add some crushed mint leaves from my garden before I brew it. I am a northerner through and through in not wanting sweet tea, or, for that matter, really sweet cold drinks. But I checked out the stone fruit punch-sounds delicious.

  5. Jennifer says:

    The Strawberry Coconut daiquiri sounds delicious. Anything with coconut screams Hawaii to me :)) The fruit punch looks great too! Thanks for these. My repertoire was getting sort of stale! Happy weekend!

  6. Laura Ehlers says:

    There is nothing like a delicious glass of homemade lemonade! Yum! It is probably my favorite non-alchey drink in the summer. But for a yummo boozy beverage I have to recommend the Capriana. It is the national drink of Brazil – I first had them at a Brazilian restaurant, promptly came home and tried to figure out the recipe. It calls for Cachaca – which is a special Brazilian rum. The recipe: place 1/2 lime quartered in a shaker with 3Tbs powdered sugar. Muddle thoroughly. Add 2oz Cachaca and fill the shaker with ice. Shake and serve. Adding more ice if needed.
    You must use powdered sugar to get the proper taste – simple syrup just doesn’t cut it.
    And if you can’t get Cachaca then I highly recommend a Real Daquiri – which is the Capriana recipe but with simple syrup instead of powdered sugar and regular white rum rather than the Brazilian type. YUM!

  7. Roz Warren says:

    Most refreshing post I’ve read all day. Although my own favorite drink remains a Starbucks Soy milk Latte.

  8. I’m going to try the punch and the sangria for sure, thanks Carol!!

  9. These look so good and the lemonade recipe would be perfect for a 4th of July party!!


  10. We all love to cool off with refreshing summer drinks so I am delighted that you shared these healthy and delectable recipes with us at the Plant-based Potluck Party. I’m pinning and sharing.

  11. pia says:

    Love watermelon drinks
    I put ginger I buy from Amazon in water, seltzer or vodka with some lemon or lime. Or I just drink very sharp ginger beer I buy from Amazon. I’m totally ginger obsessed. And would be obsessed with watermelon if I ever remembered to buy it!

  12. Diane says:

    I just made the 1800’s lemonade! Just like Mama and her mama and her mama . . . you get the picture!
    P.S. the only difference is in amounts. The lemonade I just made will easily serve 50. Yeah. That’s how I roll! 🙂

  13. sue says:

    It is winter where I live Carol although the sun is shining, the sky is blue and I’m sure I could believe it was summer. Thanks for some ideas for summer drinks. I’ll have a sangria thanks!

  14. I honestly loved every drink but I especially want to try the Coconut Strawberry Daiquiri. I love rum! Nothing better in the summer than a frozen cocktail.

  15. Bodynsoil says:

    These look fabulous, all we need now is for the rain to end so I can enjoy them.

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