Rescued dogs make great pets

June 16, 2012

Some rare photographs of our older dog, Little He, who fears the camera will steal his soul.

What a sweet nature this old boy has. Everyone just loves him.  Some 14 years ago he turned up in M’s front yard in Coral Gables, Fla.  M thinks his mother was probably a feral dog in Coconut Grove who had died, leaving the puppy all alone in the world at one month of age.

But, he picked the right yard. He’s been with Michael ever since.  Little He was an early nickname that picked up steam and over time, became his name.

He’s definitely a mama’s boy, and very protective of his little brother, Riley.

This dog knows he has a happy life.  This weekend our neighbors are coming over for some wine, cheese and dog play.   In the group is a pretty little bichon Little He’s age. (He does have an eye for the ladies.)

Rescue dogs make great pets. If you’ve got a chance to give a good home to a dog without one, by all means do it. You just might be lucky enough to get a wonderful dog like ours.

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