Riley meets golden-doodle puppy, Boz

September 19, 2012

Riley had a play date with an adorable Golden-doodle puppy, Boz. She belongs to my friend, B, and lives a couple blocks away. What a sweetie she is! We figured it would be a good idea to introduce the dogs before Boz got to her full size.

At first, Riley ignored her, and even did a few test growls. She’s just a baby, so she was a little intimidated. But after a while, he warmed up and they played a fun game of tag. Boz did a great job of keeping up, even though her puppy legs didn’t always go in the intended direction.

We hope to see more of this cute little girl-dog this week! And as usual, some cute dog pictures.

“I’m ignoring you, Boz.”

Dogs whizzing by everywhere!
“Hey! Where’d she go?”
“Maybe if I show some of my stuff…”
“Totally worked!”

Later, at home, crashed out.

Yes, Riley sleeps on his back when he’s up on the bed. Always. Hilarious.

One comment on “Riley meets golden-doodle puppy, Boz
  1. The pictures that you took were absolutely precious!

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