Ritorno ad Acqui

September 28, 2009

As we get ready to close our second last day here, I think this image will be one of my favorite memories of the trip. Maybe the most emblematic of the 200 digital images I took.

We lived up there behind those windows during our 10 days of relaxation. A visit with two false starts in prior years. And then: magic.

I remember planning the trip with a girlfriend, several years ago. But she reneged. So I planned to come alone. But then that didn’t work out either.

Like I said: and then? magic.

This is such a charming and colorful accomodation; like everyone’s fantasy of an Italian villa. Almost Portofino-like. But better. It shows the special touches of the artist who lives here. And the hard work of her husband.

We’ll return next year to our rooms and to our places on the patio. We’ll eat hot bread, drink dark coffee and marvel at the fruits.

And to that, we raise a glass of the very good Barbera provided in our rooms by our hosts.

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