Roasted cauliflower with garlic, lemon and EVOO

January 24, 2013

The most beautiful fresh cauliflower sat center stage in our organic box the other day, inspiring me to use it right away. I used to love plain cauliflower, steamed very tender, and still do. But I wanted to do something different with it. I’m always looking for easy, healthy recipes that I can make with what I have on hand.

I asked M. if he’d pick a juicy lemon off our tree, and pulled out the last of the fresh garlic that had come in another organic box a few weeks ago, and sliced a few cloves thinly.

After cutting the cauliflower into florets (not too small), I tossed them with a little bit of olive oil,  the fresh garlic and squeezed fresh lemon juice over it all.  Not too much. Salt and pepper to taste came next.

This is what it looked like in a baking dish.  I baked it at 400 degrees for close to an hour to get it tender enough for me, but you might like it more al dente.

We also got a few fresh beets, so I boiled them up and added them to a nice salad with fresh radish we’d received last week. (Love our weekly organic delivery)  I had two small baked sweet potatoes left over (also from our box) and some left over pork loin roast that I’d marinated in a ginger sesame sauce all day before baking. It was luscious.  The whole dinner was great, actually.

Oh, what’s this?

It’s a few pieces of cauliflower without seasoning that I microwaved for the tiny terror, who loves vegetables. He waited patiently and sat perfectly to get his treat.

Riley is a perfect angel when he wants food.

 oh yes, you want a recipe? Here it is:

  • 1 head of cauliflower
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic, peeled and coarsely minced
  • Lemon juice from a whole lemon
  • Olive oil
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 400°F. Cut cauliflower into florets and put in a single layer in baking dish. Toss in the garlic. Sprinkle lemon juice over cauliflower and drizzle each piece with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Place casserole in the hot oven, uncovered, for 30-60 minutes until tender. The top should be lightly brown. Test with a fork.  Serve immediately with other good stuff.

Got a great, easy recipe or meal idea to share?

12 comments on “Roasted cauliflower with garlic, lemon and EVOO
  1. I love roasted cauliflower and haven’t been exposed to it until a few years ago. I felt like I was eating candy it was so good. I like your idea about adding lemon. Going to try that next time, but I doubt I’ll be picking one off a tree like you did!

  2. Heather says:


    I have a quick question about your blog, do you think you could e-mail me?


  3. Not a fan of cauliflower but this recipe makes it worth trying again. Garlic makes everything taste better.

  4. Heather, you didn’t leave an email address. Mine is in my blog profile if you want to email it to me.

  5. Ellen Dolgen says:

    Sounds healthy, looks delicious!

  6. YUM!!!!!!! ok i am sharing and MAKING this TODAY!

  7. Angela Parson Myers says:

    Love cauliflower, but haven’t eaten it roasted. This sounds yummy.

  8. Joyce says:

    This looks good and easy, unfortunately, I don’t think I could get my husband to eat it. Maybe I’ll make it with broccoli instead of cauliflower. It’s amazing what we have to do to get our children, I mean spouses, to eat things.

  9. Merry says:

    This sounds tasty. I’ve done something similar with broccoli, though wrapped in tinfoil and over the grill (I don’t know why things taste so yummy over the grill, maybe it’s just because the weather’s nicer 😉

  10. I love roasted cauliflower but I’ve never added lemon juice to it.

  11. With fresh garlic and olive oil, this recipe sounds so yummy. It’s such a pleasure to read and share your healthy and delectable Roasted cauliflower recipe.

    Thank you for partying with us at the Healthy, Happy, Green and Natural Party Blog Hop. I’m pinning and sharing this!

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