The romance of it all

February 27, 2017

romanceIt was a starlit Valentine’s night and we were in the Caribbean with friends. Romance was in the air.

On the palm-tree enclosed patio, candles twinkled atop small dinner tables covered with red and white cloths that had been sprinkled with tiny red and silver hearts. We drank champagne that tasted like magic, dined on exceptionally delicious food prepared by an exceptional chef and his staff. The conversation flowed easily over molten chocolate lava cake and the second bottle of magic.

I looked over at my husband and then, through a canopy of palm fronds I gazed up at the stars dotting the blue-black night sky, enchanted by the romance of the evening, perhaps the most romantic evening I’d ever had. And I was overcome by my good fortune to have this delightful feeling at the age of 65, to be sitting at a beautiful table after a beautiful dinner with beautiful friends and the beautiful soul that is my husband.

It is a beautiful life and all the sweeter because it was entirely unexpected, one of those serendipitous surprises that looked like an accident but is so much more. So much more.

“So,” my friend asked my husband, “what made you come back to her after all those years?”

It was a question I’d pondered on many dark, sleepless nights. After all, 26 years is a long time. A very long time.

“I missed her,” my husband said, quietly. “I missed her.”


44 comments on “The romance of it all
  1. JM Castro says:

    Whose cutting onions??? Lol. This made me shed a tear. Wish the best for both of you!

  2. Carla says:

    I love this so much. I love your story. And I love you have been generous enough to invite us all in.

  3. Rachel says:

    I couldn’t love this more. So sweet!

  4. That was so sweet Carol – and you can’t beat a little bit of heartfelt sweetness now and then. What a lovely man (and you must be special for him to have missed you!)

  5. Alice Gerard says:

    This is very romantic. Thank you for sharing this story.

  6. Frances D says:

    As I read this I could feel your emotion. Moved me to tears and giddy giggles all at once.

  7. Haralee says:

    Embracing your good fortune and good feelings and love and romance was all captured hear! Yours is a beautiful love story!

  8. hillsmom says:

    Sigh…truly touching. Thanks for sharing, and in a way, memories. Lucky you. =^..^=

  9. Barbara says:

    So sweet, Carol. You are a lucky woman.

  10. Debbie D. says:

    What a wonderful, romantic story, Carol. You and your hubby are so fortunate to have found each other once again. May you have many more happy years together. ♥

  11. Bren Pace says:

    Oh my gosh, this is so beautiful. Thank you, Carol!


  12. niNA says:

    I got tears in my eyes as i was reading this. What a beautiful post!

  13. Ellen Dolgen says:

    How beautiful! You started my day off smiling!

  14. how beautiful! I know first hand if love is meant to be, that it will be. I separated from my husband (prior to marriage) for a while and then we ended up together and married.

  15. Joan stommen says:

    I adore your beautiful love story…26 years is a long time indeed. And you both had other lives…to seek and find each other again is a miracle; truely meant to be! Great story, Carol!

  16. Diane says:

    Oh, my word. That is perfect! It’s like your life was scripted by Nicholas Sparks! (Or insert romance author of your choice.) Isn’t it amazing how those moments happen totally without planning?! But the most important thing is you recognized it. Beautiful!

  17. Laurie Stone says:

    Really loved this. So simple, but says it all. We miss who we love.

  18. Amber Myers says:

    Aw, this is so sweet! It sounds like you were in a romantic spot as well.

  19. Such sweetness (your story AND the molten chocolate lava cake!). Thanks for sharing–and reminding us of what’s possible.

  20. This is lovely Carol and I felt I was actually there enjoying the moment under the stars with champagne. How wonderful that you found each other again.

  21. Beautifully simple and simply beautiful.

  22. Elizabeth O. says:

    This has to be one of the sweetest posts I’ve read. I like how he answered that he missed you, it’s an answer that’s simple but will make any woman smile for a long time.

  23. Rena says:

    My husband and I went out the weekend before Valentine’s and we were saying basically the same thing. We went to high school together and then married different people and other lives and then when the time was right me ran back into each other and we moved in together the next day. That was 26 years ago and I’m still nuts about him. He is my world.

  24. David says:

    I love the beautiful prose that you have here. It definitely made me feel like I were there.

  25. chei says:

    This is soooooooooooo sweet! Im so envy! Urgh! 🙂

  26. stacey says:

    Beautifully written. I feel like I was sitting at the table next to you guys.

  27. Lori says:

    “Sigh”. That is beautiful.

  28. Emily Ploch says:

    I don’t know your whole story, but my boyfriend and I reunited after almost 10 years. He’s the one. I kinda know what you’re feeling and I am so happy for you! 🙂

  29. Wow! Amazing Carol.Loved your lovable story!

  30. Basim says:

    this is so romantic. i like how you wrote this.

  31. What a great story! I’m so glad you have found each other again. Enjoy this chapter of your lives – it may be your best yet!

  32. Sauumye Chauhan says:

    What a great story, It is so romantic. I’m happy for both for you.

  33. Amy Bovaird says:

    Lovely, Carol.
    I like how it is framed the coconut fronds and how you captured so much with so few words.
    love your writing style!

  34. Chloe says:

    This really tugged at the heart strings! You have a beautiful way with words, I was able to imagine this setting so easily

  35. Nay says:

    What a beautiful story! It gives me hope.

  36. Cheryl F says:

    Very romantic. You are one lucky woman. I hope to be able to find such man too.

  37. A very nice story that is similar to my own reunion with an ex that I hadn’t seen or spoken to in over 20 years. Love is eternal and not even time can make it fade.

  38. We are not really a romantic couple but we love each other truly, how I wished that we grow old together and we would still walk hand in hand until the sunset in our life comes in…

  39. Love it, it’s so romantic :):) Could be the final scene of a movie, a happily ever after!

  40. Ashlea says:

    This is my greatest wish that my husband and I will be doing this at that time in our lifes. We are middle school sweethearts.

  41. Megan says:

    This was so beautiful. Like a real life romance novel!

  42. Now I want to drink champagne that tastes like magic. I loved reading this!

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